General info about shipment and manufacturing

Hi IvoG,

I see you always answering patiently (have followed the forum for couple of months now) but one thing you should probably do less is question a question. Please, this is not meant as an offence or insult. But backers, including myself, have the right to ask questions, irrespective of whether Phillips answers them or not.

Now since you asked, two posts above Rino, with a contribution number higher than mine, said he is on the list. But I do not know which country he is from. However if the batch is going to EU, I would expect that everyone up to contribution number 14xxx should get the PPM in this batch. Therefore I want to know.


It’s never meant as an insult from my side either, only to help me understand what and why you’re asking. The better I understand your question, any question, the better I can help (get an) answer (for) it. Often in life people don’t ask the right questions or for the right reasons, and often answers are given in an assumed reasoning behind a question. So I’ve thaught myself to always question the questions, and I’m fully aware that some may perceive that as an annoying trait.

Now that you’ve explained I understand your question and am actually able to help you perhaps somewhat.
Salvatore (@Rino2) is in Italy, you’re in Germany. So if his contribution ID is higher than yours, and you’re not on the list whereas he is, there might be an issue there. Perhaps there’s a good reason for that, or an oversight / mistake when putting the lists together, I do not know. Perhaps @Philips_Support_N could comment on that, but I can’t make that promise for him to you.

I still don’t think knowing the countries shipped to in each batch will necessarily help, as they’re coupled only with Backerkit IDs which can vary wildly and have no correlation to backing order. Only if someone posts about being on the list and mentions his Contribution ID and country, can the information help you determine what’s going on.

Thank IvoG.

@Philips_Support_N. Could you please check if Savatore with contribution number 14060 from Italy is on the list, why I, contribution number 12351 from Germany am not? Have I overlooked something or has your delivery team?

IGG contribution ID 12351
Backer ID 15586994

It might help if the spreadsheet showing which contribution numbers were planned to be in what order with a rough but realistic shipping date, this way everyone can look, find their number and see a ballpark date of when to expect their unit to ship. This can then be updated as time goes on and production ramps up so everyone feels like they are informed and won’t have to keep trying to figure out why someone in another country with a higher number seems to be getting their unit before they are.
We all accept that we should be patient, repeating that doesn’t make things any better, but positive moves to provide up to date estimated ship dates for everyone will dramatically improve the experience for everyone.


Treasure hunt

Got a feeling Tuesday will pass with no update on the tracking. According to DHL’s website the delay for UK shipments is only a day or two if that. So not quite sure why the forwarder is struggling so much at customs as the rest of the logistics network is operating with minor delays. (This is taking into account medical supplies getting priority of course).

Fingers crossed once it’s out of the forwarders hands DHL should be pretty quick at transporting it from the Germany hub to our homes.


Hi @Gsde, i was surprised by your post, because I am Contribution ID 12395 from Germany as well and my Backer ID seems to be on the current list. So I went ahead and checked for your number and found it as well. Can you check the list again? Maybe I did something wrong.


The further it gets from the incompetence of Philips the faster things will move.


Whee I‘m on the list! Sooo happy! :heart_eyes:
Now FINALLY I can get impatient too :rofl: (sorry @IvoGrijt :rofl::rofl::rofl:)


Simon, as long as I see and perceive impatience I’ll be compelled to advocate patience.

Those positive moves are almost impossible to make in a way that would please everyone, but I agree with you that if they could be made, they would provide insight. Even so, they would have to come from Screeneo, I can’t do any more than I am at the moment.

Gizem, you have my blessing, I’ll be impatient with you and for you. Fingers crossed!

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Hi Sim7,

Thanks for pointing that out. I must have had too much beer out in the sun.
@Philips_Support_N: Ignore my previous request to check.

However, @Philips_Support_N (and for attention @IvoGrijt) now that I did sign up for the forum, I would like to give 2 suggestions that should help you guys (Philips/Screeneo) re-gain the trust and credibility.

Suggestion 1: Since the shipping takes place in order of IGG number (I know, first countrym then IGG number), you obviously have the mapping of Backer ID to IGG number. It would go a long way to include the IGG number when you publish the shipping list for next batch so backers can see for themselves that the relevant sequence is the IGG number and you would avoid lot of posts related to this problem.

Suggestion 2: You took a great step publishing the number of backers by country. What would really help now is to publish a list with the number of PPMs and the highest IGG number delivered by country (or region, e.g. EU). That would do two things - one, it is a valid report of progress by country; two, it should avoid questions on status because everybody can see the last number delivered for their country and know if they just need to wait on.

Both these things are just statements of facts, so you are not making any forecasts that may prove wrong. And you do not need to do this any more frequently than every time a new batch is shipped.
See, all the people (at least the sane ones) are looking for is good communication/valid status. It may not be a bad thing to do this bit. It is not a lot to do. And things really can’t get much worse than they currently are. So your downside is zero.


I hope your plea reaches them and they decide to do this, as it would definitely bring more information. I’m skeptical it will keep those who’ve become skeptical of the whole process themselves from attacking Screeneo yet again, but I’m hopeful.

They have stated many facts many times only to have those challenged and be called liars and cheats, so let’s wait and see what they’ll do.

To Screeneo and not the moderators. @Philips_Support_T @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_T

Simple and official request for support and a question of fact.

Based on your own 2nd list issued on 2 April 2020, have all the devices been shipped out as of today? To be more precise, have the devices been delivered to or picked up by the courier company.

edit Actually to ensure completeness. Have all the devices on the 1st list been delivered to or picked up by the courier company as well.

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Fair question

They will ever have an excuse… Some of us have remarked that things must not go this way. Only thing happens: posts getting hidden from rest of community.

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Well mate. In my case, I’d probably have to ask DHL why they would need to send my replacement unit from Hong Kong to Germany for final delivery in Singapore. :rofl:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Individual status update requests

For anyone who is wondering about the speed of shipment these days out of China, here’s a sharing with all of facts of a shipment I just received of non-medical items ordered from Shenzhen, China.

Package came in a box measuring 27 x 29 x 43 cm and weighing 6kgs.

Shipped 16 April and just arrived with data all immediately captured and available digitally. No guessing or uncertainty or lack of transparency. Data was visible at all stages.

With the Covid19 delays, it took them 11 days to arrive in Singapore from the time it left the manufacturer in Shenzhen. 9 days were from Shenzhen to Hong Kong alone. Shipment between HK and Singapore - 1 day.

Tracking was not displayed on Fedex consumer site at all stages but information was simultaneously available through the forwarder site


He is ultimately responsible for anything with a Philips badge on it. I would definitely urge anyone contacting him to be respectful and polite but to explain how Philips is being damaged by this and providing some additional resources and support to the Screeneo team would do a lot to repair that damage.