General info about shipment and manufacturing

@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N
I’m Indiegogo nr 12289
Backerkit number 15587037

I’m not on the last list again. I’m loosing patience… 21xxx contributions are there and I’m not! What’s your problem to send to Latvia? I receive a lot of things by DHL and it is working without any problems here…

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My contribution ID is 20886.
The list skipped many numbers. Is it normal? Thanks.
註解 2020-05-14 090959

Same goes to me, contribution ID 11830 (Singapore) is still missed, could you help to check please @Philips_Support_N

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I think mine is the same as it is 20896 but let see once they update the new list which going to be today later on. Hopefully it appear back in to the in to the list.

Fingers crossed

I wonder how DHL will manage to fulfill their promise to deliver by the end of today while the shipment is still on hold in HK…
@Philips_Support_N or @IvoGrijt, have you accidentially heard anything from DHL?

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I thought this would happen with the IGG IDs. :slight_smile:

I haven’t received mine, I’m 16*** and there are other 21*** before me, but let me explain the situation one by one.

Yes, this is normal. They are shipping first by region and then contribution ID. It’s just want makes sense financially. This was pointed out from the start, so we should not be surprised here.

Same as above.

Same situation as above. Now if 21*** is in Latvia and is before you, then it is a problem. :slight_smile:

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I note your reply. My contribution ID#11894 (from Singapore). I noted that Contribution ID# 16710 and 13619 (both also from Singapore) are already in List 3. Is this considered a problem based on your explanation above? I have approached @Philips_Support_N for explanation, but no reply. Maybe you can help to explain and determine if I will be in List 4. I dare say I am not alone that our patience is running thin, and add to that the non-logical manner in which the ppm is distributed, even within the same country.

Thanks in advance


Thanks for the further info. Haven’t understood that before. Yes, if this is the case, it seems like a problem. Now that @IvoGrijt has more authority, he can maybe check that for you.

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@Vin if a moderator replies with sweeping statements without checking the background, then that is a problem. Someone was complaining about pollution earlier and to me this is pollution on the forum.

@Long_NT 's contribution id is 11830, @Alexbird_Chong 's contribution id is 11894, mine is 16629. All from Singapore but none on the list. However there are later ids from Singapore on the list. What do you want us to do? Keep mum about it?

As moderators you should be encouraging backers to write on the forum and if the traffic is too much for you to handle then remember this is what YOU volunteered for.

Please don’t discourage backers from posting here. It is their only source of communication.


Hi Meghal, sorry if you’ve understood it this way. Please note, that I am not part of Philips Projection and I don’t have access to any back-office data. I don’t know each person’s IDs, nor I can check where their ID is from unless it is clearly stated in the comment. Which means that by just looking at the list, I don’t know which is which.

So please bear with me. I have the same information you do, it’s just that as a moderator I have to keep more track of the forum’s communication IF I want to stay a more up-to-date.

As I mentioned in my comments here:

…and here…

Ivo will be able to help you now that he is part of the Philips Projection team. \

Now this is the job of the moderator - to monitor, control, explain and to point out to a solution. I’m not the solution ;).


@Vin please, you don’t have to apologise at all…I fully understand you are trying to help with very limited resources. And i am very cognizant of the immense challenges you and the other moderators face with the daily barrage of comments. I am very appreciative of your effort.

but this is very normal and should have been preempted when a large corporation with limited to zero B2C experience opens up a platform to communicate with thousands of anxious customers across the globe.

Anyway, it was never my intention to single you out. All I am asking is for moderators to exercise patience with the backers.

thank you for all your help !

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Thanks for the sentiment, but I mostly have more access to information and the people acting on it.

I put together the information in the list to be able to show the contribution ID, which was one of the most often heard complaints since we started listing the entries. But because of the delays in shipping we sort of like have to pre-share the shipping information, so people know we are about to ship to them and can check / change their shipping address with us.

But in a normal situation, no shipping delays or Covid19 cargo transportation shifts, you wouldn’t know who gets fulfilled when. You could be among the last to get your order despite having ordered first. When you order by any online retailer, others who ordered late in the day may even get their order before you who woke up and ordered first thing in the morning. And that normally wouldn’t even bother you, as long as you got your items within a reasonable window of time.

With the list based on contribution ID, everyone can see which numbers are next. But the most important thing to realize is that despite your number being lower or higher, everyone will be getting theirs. If you’re not in this list you’ll be on the next. The constant asking “are we there yet?”, “why does he get to go and not me?” “I want my toys NOW” only slows ALL shipments down, as every moment spent reading, finding out about, and answering these questions is detracting from actually getting every backer fulfilled by leading suppliers, forwarders, shippers, etc.

Everyone will get theirs. And we will try to fill in the gaps, and reshuffle the allocations if needed to do so in keeping with the backing order as much as we can.

Was expecting some form of communication. Just a small update that it takes a bit longer than expected. Anything. But when you mention a date (‘tonight’, ‘tomorrow’) then you need to communicate something. Anything.

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@IvoGrijt i don’t agree with you. The campaign was based on the premise that fulfillment would be in sequence of backing. nothing more nothing less. So you giving examples of other transactions where this may not be followed means nothing.

Also, please don’t be so condescending as to compare your backers with petulant children throwing a tantrum for toys. It is very demeaning to backers who have invested hundreds of dollars and are waiting for more than half a year.

you would do well to be patient and welcome all comments and queries as long as those are within the boundaries of decency.


It’s ridiculous. Usually, the shipment is according to the order sequence.

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It’s not ridiculous. If they followed order strictly they would have to send only a couple of projectors to each country instead of bigger batches. That’s wasted money.

I agree with Meghal and Wayne_Yang. Your answer is hilariously condescending Ivo_G.

Here is my view on things.

Take a step back and take note of the simple fact that orders are now being shipped in seemingly random order.

I, and many backers with me, would really like to know how backers are selected. In my mind the process was like this:

  1. List of all backers
  2. Group by country/region and sort by ascending contribution ID per group.
  3. Ship in reasonable amounts to each country/region according to the list.

I’m trying to imagine the reasons that there could be to do it any other way and I cannot come up with a single one. Shipping according to country and backer order seems to be the administratively easiest way and the fairest to the order. Any other way of selecting backers to ship just seems cumbersome to me.

So if PhilipsNoNo can come up with a real, no bullshit, explanation for why this happens this way, it would be nice. Screeneo has brought this upon themselves. If they didn’t want to get the shit storm for not following the order that they have specified and communicated a thousand times so far, they should not have released the list of contribution IDs to be shipped.

My contribution ID is at 170xx and I would absolutely not be surprised if there are people from my region with IDs of 20000 and higher. I don’t even want to know, the level of amateurism from a communication, project management, and community management perspective is just too low at this point.

Then about this:
“The constant asking “are we there yet?”, “why does he get to go and not me?” “I want my toys NOW” only slows ALL shipments down, as every moment spent reading, finding out about, and answering these questions is detracting from actually getting every backer fulfilled by leading suppliers, forwarders, shippers, etc.”

  • The only reason people are asking what is going on is because of the laughable performance of Screeneo from a communication and management pov.
  • If there would be professional management in place, things wouldn’t slow down. It’s not the fault of backers asking where their 600 euros have gone.
  • This is the same argument as has been used when people were contacting Philips HQ to complain. Screeneo shouldn’t threaten that it slows things down but they should reflect and realize that it happens because they are not doing their jobs in a good way.
  • If Screeneo would have developed an adaptable plan to handle this indiegogo project, it wouldn’t have to spend so much time making new short term plans every week. There is obviously no road map available.

It just becomes clear again and again that Screeneo had no idea what they were getting into with this indiegogo project.



  1. List of all backers
  2. Group by country/region and sort by ascending contribution ID per group.
  3. Ship in reasonable amounts to each country/region according to the list.

doesn’t have to be in your mind, because Screeneo stated multiple times that’s how they ship it. You are saying there’s a problem in communication but it seems it’s just on your end.


Great! now back to original question. Can you please explain why lower number IGG contribution ids from same country didn’t get their projectors while the higher number of IGG contribution from the exact same country getting the projectors shipped?


Good Question…