General info about shipment and manufacturing

I think he is talking about their distribution center in the EU which is where they end up before being sent to the EU backers. At least that’s how they did it for the last EU-shipping

SOme of our distributors bought 400 devices and won’t sell it until we tell them. In any case, they come to pick it up in HK and ship it by boat.

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So you really are delivering to some distributors before your backers? I did not see that coming :sweat_smile:


yes because they bought it before all backers and they will take big quantities of this product.

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Hello @Philips_Support_N can you let folks know range of backer ID will be covered in this batch?

Many Thanks

yes will tell you as soon as we have shipped everything

Guys situation is bad around the world …let’s b calm…

Still no tracking number for forgotten EU backer :frowning:

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Has anyone from New Zealand received any emails or notifications through from backerkit regarding shipping yet? Nothing showing on mine so far, sounds like the backers that have received something are from Australia.

That’s great that there was absolutely no info that we are second in line!
Look @IvoGrijt who are you defending!


I appreciate all the effort from all those people who did put effort in this project. And that is why I was silent and patient for a lot of time, not complaining at all. But this is ridiculous. You seriously selling to distributors before your backers? Whats even the point if they cant sell it now. And the worst part is that you haven’t mention it ever earlier.

This is very unprofessional of you. No answer expected.


I’m guessing that the logistics company they’ve chosen for NZ is different. I think we just wait another day, there’s no suggestion that there was a problem shipping to us

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This is twisting the truth, as:

  • These resellers are also backers
  • They have shipped over 4000 units to Indiegogo backers already, and only now have shipped 400 to these distributors.

Also, they did mention it before:
They might not have specified who bought those 100 packs, but due to privacy they didn’t have to either.


I am not the one who is twisting the truth or at least I definately don’t do it on purpose. If information is provided in an incomplete and not clear way, that’s twisting the truth. Not going to argue with your answer either. I have a lot of understanding to philips and all the challenges which came up on the way to deliver the product. But just think, if many people express concern, it means there is smth wrong with the communication and approach.

Anyway, it is what it is.


I am actually very patient… I contributed early but never complained about the late shipment. I wrote multiple emails to the team and few messages here but never had any answer. Even now, @Philips_Support_N does not answer, although he answered some other persons directly… so yes, I am patient.


And still here nothing too…

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I’ve agreed and stated as much elsewhere, also going more in depth as to why I felt that way and how I saw the whole project:

But I’m not going to go as far as to say they’re lying and twisting truths here. So they didn’t tell us they had backers who were their regular distributors also. They didn’t have to tell us now either, but in the spirit of transparency they did when asked.

But thanks for sharing your views, especially in such a matter of fact way! :+1:t4:

Your patience is noted and I’m sorry you haven’t been answered directly when others have (they might’ve been actually less patient or just got PhilipsNoNo on a “good” day when he felt like answering directly. But if 20K backers each start asking personal questions he won’t have time to do anything else all day.

All I can offer is my sympathy and the hope that your PPM will soon find its way to you both in good condition so you may enjoy it as much as I do on a daily basis.

Distributers: use up space in their warehouse and can‘t sell yet.
Ordinary backers: wait for their ppms and can‘t use them.
Screeneo: has fewer guys who test their unfinished product.

That is unfortunate for everyone.


Oh it’s completely fine. They’re producing them at a rapid rate now. Another 1300 ready to go shortly. Amazing really all things considered. The difficultly they now face is the nightmare of shipping logistics to thousands of individuals around the globe as large sections of the planet shut down for business. The 400 units sent to a distributor was one shipment to one address. Done.

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And a huge amount just checked off their list.

Even better, the shipment will be picked up in HK, so Screeneo don’t even have to actually have it shipped themselves. :wink::smile:

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