General info about shipment and manufacturing

costs less than I paid for the non existent Philips too.

@Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N I think this requires your attention if not a reply.


Hi, Ive asked some very specific questions yesterday and not received a single answer. Why?

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talk to your bank, I asked Philips for a refund here and they said no. I still have not received even a working tracking number, your bank might be able to push them hard, especially if you used a credit card not a debit card.

I think you need to read again the specs of both products. I don’t see its anywhere closer to PicoPix. So please stop making false claim and mislead.


@Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt

Is it not minimally reasonable for countries with “issues” to have regular updates about progress? What exactly is happening to the shipment to Brazil? No news from the forwarder? Why?


I’m almost 100% sure that it won’t help. In crowdfunding, there’s never any guarantees that you will ever even get the product you are backing. In this particular case, you will get the product, just a lot later than what was initially planned. Please familiarize yourself with how crowdfunding works before you start giving advice like this.


We have all been very busy. I don’t know why others haven’t replied, but it could have to do with one of three reasons (they are for me):

  1. We do not have an answer to your question, or are still working on finding an answer to it

  2. We’re busy finding answers for really important issues that are time critical

  3. You’re asking questions that have either
    a. Already been answered countless times before (do a search or read the News Summary till you find your answer)
    b. Is of a personal status request nature, which we’ve been saying for months now that we just don’t have the resources to answer individually.

  4. I’ve been really swamped with my own backlog of requests that I needed to deal with, communicating with forwarders, backers, changing addresses in 4 different places, arranging DHL claims for lost or damaged shipments, etc. etc.

Your question is important to you, but when triaged by me (cause I do read it all) was deemed to not be answerable within the time I had to spare between the other stuff I have to deal with. @snoozee answered some of the questions based on his community knowledge, which is why we have a forum instead of just the IndieGoGo question section that’s not searchable or categorized.

As for your question

We simply do not know. We plan, instruct our forwarder, and deliver the goods to him. He then sends the pallets to EU where they’re handled by different companies and institutions before finally being handed over to you. Right now, due to all the steps, communication struggles, workloads, Covid-19, it’s so hard to predict when you’ll have it.


There has been updates, the latest one five days ago. Look here: General info about shipment and manufacturing


I am absorbing the cost of almost 60% on my contribution (VAT in Brazil). I backed in October and have changed my address to 4 different countries (VATs ranging from Zero to 20% max) due to the delays. I am not even complaining, all I request for is regular and reasonable feedback of their efforts to ship. For other countries, you even get feedback such as pictures of the PPX being packed; for Brasil, silence. This is starting to upset me.


Brazil is a mess shipping wise apparently. Our forwarders told us they didn’t even have ways to ship there safely.

We have since found another way but I don’t know what the latest status is, it’s being handled by another company I don’t have contact details for (yet).


Thanks @djupsjob. Shipments started 5 days ago, but until today we have no info about tracking codes and the status on “Backerkit” did not change. What exactly is the “alternative shipping method”? Maybe that message meant something for Saudi Arabian backers, but for Brazilian backers it meant nothing tangible.


Thanks @IvoGrijt for the update. I understand the difficulty of shipping to Brazil, especially through cheaper channels (anything aside DHL and UPS). Such comments about recent efforts help to keep backers patient, especially if all they see are recent backers receiving their perks. I hope to see good news soon.


As Ivo said, we don’t yet know exactly what this alternative shipping method is. I’m sure that Ivo (or someone else) will inform us as soon as that information is available.


Worth a try, especially on credit cards, simple process of filling a one page document. Might not work, sure, but why not give it a go? As for your assurance that I will get the product :smirk: suffice it to say, I am highly sceptical after waiting 8 months and reading all the comments about missing shipments, lost parcels etc.

Have you tried to actually order any of those units from the retailers? I wouldn’t be surprised if the delivery time is also “very long”

For instance, I ordered some stuff from Amazon the other day which was indicated to be in stock. After I paid I was met with the message “Shipping time unknown”.

Also, like we’ve explained before, these retailers were also backers. In fact, some bought a big bulk of units even before we went live with the campaign on Indiegogo. If you’re not content waiting months for your 1 unit, how would you feel about the 400 you are waiting on to make your money on?

And yes, neither you nor them should’ve had to wait at all, but stuff happened, outside of our control mostly.

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This is exactly why I asked you to familiarize yourself with the terms of crowdfunding before giving advice like this. Generally speaking, crowdfunding isn’t like buying stuff in a store. There are no guarantees that you will ever get the perk you have backed. This means that there also are no grounds for refunding anything if the campaign refuses to give refunds.

The PicoPix Max campaign stopped giving refunds on March 11th, and that’s that. If you aren’t satisfied with the product, you can send it back when you have received it and get your money back (minus the return shipping cost). BUT: as you already have your tracking code if would urge you to keep your cool and wait for the projector. It will arrive.

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I order daily from amazon, prime is delivered as indicated, sometimes same day.

I appreciate your reply but the tracking code is just a string of numbers that links to a parcel delivered to Milan on the 19th of May. (yes, Ive read about all that supposed issue of reusing tracking numbers etc). I now do understand how crowdfunding works and tbh I was swayed but the big brand name thinking they would not cheat their customers. I will of course not be going down this route again in the future. Pointless. As for banks, my advice stands, worth a try and doesn’t cost you anything. Why not?

Are you for real ? This P7 looks like cheap chinese knockoff :rofl:

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