General info about shipment and manufacturing

I can’t speak about or explain why you have been overlooked so far Nikolaj, as I wasn’t part of the team putting together the lists at the time when you should’ve been included.

What I do know is that all Russian backers were recently shipped or are in the process of being shipped at the moment. So even those before or after you are all in the same position time wise now.

Logistics like this meant we couldn’t always stick to just backing order, if we could insta-deliver to you home direct from manufacturing then yes we would’ve done it all based on backing order alone.

It seems we have some movement in Germany: the tracking numbers for EU are no longer working. Before any of you hit ‘Reply’ and complain, this is actually a good thing, since we saw the same happening in prior batches. Hopefully we’ll be able to see the projectors re-surface on the European side of customs, and we can finally track the delivery (fingers crossed)


Same here… finger crossed…

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Yes and no. Or the way germans are saying it: jein (ja = yes, nein = no)

Currently doesn’t show ANY tracking at all. Which might be a bug on their side affecting only their website. The Android mobile app of DHL Germany though, keeps showing the trackings.


I like gifs


You might be right:

Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error - Read

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Reference #3.b302655f.1592303055.8ea5356

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Have no fear, server error is here :slight_smile:


Probably because all european backers are hitting the F5 / Cmd-R at the rate of a machine gun…


Maybe this way they will get the message to speed up things…

I got this message… It seems they have mentainance work to do…

same response here

Hi @IvoGrijt
Thanks for update and all the work you are doing. :slight_smile:
wanted to know few things:

  • what does expected shipping 22 june onwards mean? does it mean from 22 june onwards Joy list items will be shipped from China?
  • what are the things that happen between shipping (June 22 onwards) till delivery to backer?
  • My Indiegogo Id is in Joy list and delivery is in sweden for my item. If shipping starts from June22 onwards( assuming shpping means out to delivery for me, correct me if i am wrong) then when can i expect it to reach me? how many days, considering covird-19 situation?

Please let me know. thanks in advance.

Pravin Ingle

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We expect the forwarder to start handling our goods on that day in two different ways:
EU: devices are already in Germany for custom clearance. We signed the paper today and sent it back. DHL will then pickup the goods and send it from France as we cannot ship devices from Germany if custom cleared in Germany
ROW: will be getting to Hong Kong for pickup and scanning by DHL Hong Kong

To find the answers to these questions please see our [FAQ] Tracking and Shipping

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All those waiting to see your number on the list. Please note the new batch (Joy) list is now available. Please go through the News link on the top right of the screen, for the links.

TIP: Use find option within the sheet as the numbers are not sorted.

@IvoGrijt and the team has tried their best to include everyone. If for some reason, you are still unable to locate your number, please post in this thread for review. “Forgotten” Backers



The site is back. Useless like before…

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Returned 2 Sender

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Shipping to USA

Great news :grin:
DHL status: Shipment information received

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@IvoGrijt Can you confirm whether mine was shipped to my old address or updated one in Feb? Sent a pm few days ago.

Would you please tell us when you would send the list to the forwarder to meet the Expected Shipping date: June 22. Thank you.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Returned 2 Sender