General info about shipment and manufacturing

Im in !

When can i go :slight_smile:

Count me in :joy:

If you’re paying, I’m game.

Maybe you should crowdfund your ticket Sponnie :laughing:

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I can’t tell if Nono’s joking or not but the travel advisory from the Australian government is still very much, do NOT travel to China.

Way to dash everyone’s dreams of standing for 8 hours hand-assembling consumer electronics in the middle of a plague


250 + 200 are done (5 Mar)
250 (4 Mar)
There 700 existing packages, so 1400.

We would like to know when would you ship the batches?


it was a joke :slight_smile:


@PhilipsNono how many people under 400 have forgotten in total and how many is posted so far?

@Philips_Support_N better attendance today?

Appearance check in progress in the first
@Jan around 50. We didn’t started to ship.


more workers in the second factory


Good to hear and see. Hopefully shipping news will come soon now.

@Philips_Support_N Thanks for the update and I hope all the teams are okay and doing well. Things are looking promising regarding shipping :slightly_smiling_face:

Is that a new tripod mount design I see?

Nice to see the progress in the production but I’m more interested in the logistic plans.

From what’s been said its about 70 replacement units to be shipped first (directly to the backers?).
And then the around 100 forgotten EU backers (shipped through the German warehouse?)

Will these groups have to wait for the 500 by 500 (or 1000 by 1000) quotas to be filled up? And are those groups in the same batch or is it one batch per region?

Lastly, have all the issues surrounding the last EU delivery been sorted out? For example the delivery to Sweden where you had to use a different carrier.

Looks the same to me John :man_shrugging:t5:

500 units finished waiting for QC: Tomorrow
1100 units with QC on Monday


I’d love to, and film the process too!