General info about shipment and manufacturing

@Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_1 i did not tell you to give me tracking number i told you to do your part and just include me in this batch or coming one as emergency case i was waiting last months without any complain and let me later check with shipping company

Unfortunately we can’t do that. Otherwise everyone can ask the same thing.


Looking at this list, I didn’t find my number and the backer IDs are bigger than mine. Is there any other list that I can check?

You can not do that but you can ship as you wish
Sometimes with country wise and other time by contribution ?? !!

this is a question of MOQ for shipping and costs.

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you are Indiegogo backer number 12,790 :slight_smile:

thanks a lot my friend

What numbers are you sending now?
Thanks again!

I should compalin from beginning since you promise to deliver on end of oct 19 then changed to Nov then Dec then Jan then end of march and finaly now you say i can not give you date ???

complaining does’t make the manufacturing faster, nor the shipping. We are doing our best to catch up.


I’m not in this list 15584319
I hope next list will be more promising
 thank you.

At least you have to give me a date to decide whether i will continue or i will cancel

Hey, I wrote them an e-mail to with the same request + some proof of my contribution and the new address.
So I advise you to do the same.


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@Philips_Support_N My backer id: 15592651 and IGG id 459x. Any news on shipping?

Dear All,

Here is the link for the spreadsheet with the 1,170 current shipping and the new 1,200 new one (flight is being booked).

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Hello Sir,

I understand your frustration, we all are for the many delays this campaign has caused us.
But you should try to see things from their point of view as well,

You are asking them to give you date (tor time period when you expect it to get), but the fact of the matter is as @Philips_Support_N said is they don’t even know when the 1200 units that they send out for shipping will reach their intended destinations. (due to Lack of flights and prioritisation of medical supplies by companies).

there are 2 things you could do

  1. get it delivered to your friend/colleague who can accept the parcel on your behalf and get it from them if you plan to go back in the near future.
  2. change your address to your new address (if a change of country is possible) and receive it in the new country.

There is literally no point in asking the same questions again and again. as it is not going to lead anywhere.

hope you sort out your problems


Since update 21 on indigogo from 2nd of March the deadline looks not reachable ( 6 weeks to send all ppm ) it could be a good idea to again set a new deadline :slight_smile: ( at least for production not mailing as booking flight is complex. I don’t know if i miss the information but it look that the daily report about units produced is no longer a thing cc @Philips_Support_N

@Philips_Support_N Mais c’est incroyable comment je peux ne pas ĂȘtre sur la liste ?!?!?
Ma commande est dans quel lot ?

Pays: Suisse
Contribueur: #3’453
Order: #11587288
Commande: 06 Octobre 2019

Vous etes 15,136 sur Indiegogo. not 3453