General info about shipment and manufacturing

This only matters for looking up if your package is included in a certain batch.

When you go to Indiegogo, what is your contribution ID for this campaign? Read the post at the link I provided carefully again.

@Philips_Support_N or @Philips_Support_1 If you can at least give ETA that would be appreciated.

Hooray!!! UK order now marked as shipped. Looking forward to receiving the Picopix!!! Thanks @Philips_Support_N have a good Easter!

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How long does ist take for the email update?

Do we know the flight number for the actual flight on 11th?

Hi, I was a purchaser who ordered a device to the USA but the recipient has not received it yet. Can I check if the USA orders are still being fufilled so I shouldn’t worry about it being lost in the post or something?

I didn’t receive a shipping email or anything.

Contribution ID: 12048

Contribution Date: September 25, 2019

First, thanks for transparency and telling us what the real problem is!

If shipping to MontrĂ©al, Canada is a money problem, I don’t mind paying the extra I already paid to receive my PPM in the following weeks.

So you already charged me 29 euros for shipping, if you can charge me the rest and ship it, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you

Backerkit # 15586429

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To be honest, such forwarder issues should have been sorted out when this project was launched or when you see enough backers to make this project possible. With the current COVID-19 situation, understand that shipment, forwarding services will be provided. But the question is, no backup plans were ever put in place in initial planning? On top of that, I don’t think it’s professional of you to respond to enquiries in such a manner. People paid substantial amount of money to back your product and they have waited for so long. Have you seen many big players out there taking so long to get their products out to their supporters? I doubt so.


@Philips_Support_N, @Philips_Support_1

Does this mean that 11th April flight will not have my projector? Saudi Arabia. Old 1170 batch.

Any news about shipping to Finland??
Backerkit nr 15588498

Thanks in advance

My mistake. Sorry about that.

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Have you followed the campaign from its early days, did you not get the information about the many forwarders they already had that managed to screw up previous small batches they tried to send to deal with this exact issue you’re talking about?

Also, even when they had found the right forwarder, the subsequent world we live in has never been seen before. Not even the influenza outbreak in 1918-1919 was this bad as the world economy wasn’t anywhere near what it’s like in this century.

Have you seen any of the big players out there on a crowdfunding platform, giving the end users say-so and insight into their business proceedings? I doubt so.
Usually even if people pre-order they just have to wait, with no clear word on when exactly the product will reach the market.

Also, whilst you may find it unprofessional of him to react as a human being, which duh, he is, just look at all the badgering he and his colleagues have been getting from some of the backers. They might have paid for the projector, but that price doesn’t include the right to just behave like that either. So yeah, he lost it a bit. But again, he’s also human.

My Backer ID 15591314 is on the list but i didn‘t receive a „Your order has shipped“ message. When can I expect the shipping notification?
Thanks and kind regards

Not every unit in that list has been labeled yet, once they have been and the forwarder sends them the list of which have been, they will upload those tracking numbers also.

See it as passengers boarding a plane. They know who all bought a ticket, but only when they’ve actually boarded and a head count given will they actually know who’s on board. This was the first headcount, the next or final one before departure still has to happen.

Absolutely agree
What is this delivery issue that has suddenly come up.tommarrow they will say we have to pay customs n taxes too

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It’s an ethical problem and not a money one.once shipping cost is fixed it should stay 
simple as that

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I’m trying to find my backerkit ID
but it is saying that I have not received a survey yet ?

My contribution ID is 21299

What about production of new pieces? No info since long time


Seems like I have a tracking number. It’s what separates the smug from the damned.