General info about shipment and manufacturing

1540? I thought we will have 1200 + impacted countries from last shipment (end March)

We won’t answer this. We explained some times ago why the 1170and 1200 are late. You are in this batch since 2 or 3 weeks. Calm down, go outside, maybe take 30 mins for running… You will see, everything will be OK.


Check the messages above

He said the 1540 were what was ready and received now, the rest they will receive later on and therefore will be uploaded later on.

I updated the summary post just now by the way.

@Philips_Support_N: Do you have a solution or idea how backers who’s delivery address has or will change can have the change reflected in your systems, either on Backerkit (by reopening the locked addressing) or some other way?

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oh my bad… it should have been 2370 but we got 1540 only. 830 more expected from the forwarder. Got it.

I thought we were waiting on the 1200 only and the previous batch has tracking numbers. :stuck_out_tongue:

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The best way is:

  • send an email to to ask for a change with the original email address used to buy the product
  • then we will change it in our system and backerkit

Great, I added this info to the banner as well! :+1:t4:

Thanks for your support and efforts, have a great Easter Holiday! :egg: :rabbit: :hatched_chick:



You too!


Email sent for the 1540 backers


I am a backer from Singapore.
My Indigogo contribution number is #11641 (24 September 2017)
My backer ID is 15587525.
I would appreciate an estimate time when I can receive the PPM.


Finally got it…

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Tracking number received! Thanks to the @Philips_Support_N team for their hard work. Peace and be safe everyone :v:t3:


Just got the email with the tracking number, with the message
“The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically”

So the ppm is still in China? Since It was in the 1150 list, i guessed it was already in Europe :frowning:

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It’s flying out tomorrow, the 11th.

I take it still time for me to wait then as my ID is 16710250?

That is not your contribution ID, which would determine where you are in the order, please read this explanation by a fellow forum user: Demystifing Numbers (Indiegogo, Backerkit etc.)

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I dont understand this issue of shipping cost…we paid what was planned at that time.any difference now borne by philips…
So pls why is it so imp now…
A commitment is a commitment .

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Yes, but just like you can’t be expected to pay more for increased costs, you can’t expect them to have to bear the added costs if they can find a different solution, like a different shipper or just waiting a little bit more with these destinations.

For you it’s $20 more perhaps, for them it would run in the thousands.