Issues with List3 Backers


Hello, my ID in list 3:
BackerKit id: 15586111
Indiegogo Contribution ID: 13588

Have not received Tracking Labels in Backerkit,
Please help confirm, thank you!

My tracking number stopped working!

I’ve received my tracing number some 9 days ago and it has been sitting on “Tracking info received” etc until today when the message changed to "Sorry, your tracking attempt was not successful. Please check your tracking number. "

Has anyone else experienced a similar thing? Has my shipment been cancelled? What’s going on?

Backerkit Backer ID: 16034948
Indiegogo contribution ID: 19588
Shipping to: Pakistan

Why am I still not on any list @Philips_Support_N?

Same for me. Worked yday, although still only “received electronic
” since 18th of may. Today it stopped working. Hope someone can help

All the time. Type it in again, sometimes after 2-3 tries it works again.

I’ve probably tried like 15 times today already. I should get probably just leave it.

Is your number CR071932186DE?

what is your number?

Yes correct.

Go to and you see it: DHL Privatkunden - Paketversand und Paketempfang mit DHL

Since your shipment left HK around the 18th, it probably won’t arrive in Germany until the 2nd week of June. Then you will start seeing more information on the DHL tracking site.

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Have you send my projector please indiegogo nr 17638? I was promised a delivery by end of May.

Fingers crossed. A bit strange it stopped working on DHL global. Didnt you guys say you put on a plane the 16th/18th? Thanks for helping out.

Oh yeah, it works when tracked through German DHL. Odd

Crazy that it takes almost a month from plane to a working tracking number. Makes no sense.

If the forwarder tells us it left on the 18th, we can’t be 100% sure it really did. It seems as if in reality it sometimes leaves a few days later. Then it apparently first goes to Belgium for EU customs clearance, and then on to the German warehouse of our forwarder. Here they break out the indivual packages for each separate delivery. Then they call DHL to pick it up.
So it is more than just one plane flight.

what is your backer number?

Since the logistics forwarder is near you in HK, I’ve asked if you can contact them directly to sort this out. They don’t speak English very well, so you would get better and quicker information if you discussed in Chinese.

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You are on the upcoming list update, it just hasn’t been published yet. I think we are waiting for the tracking numbers of the previous list before sending a new list to the forwarders, and we only update the list once we’ve actually sent it to them.

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J’ai Ă©galement un problĂšme avec mon code pour suivre mon colis. Celui-ci ne fonctionne plus depuis ce matin. J’ai essayĂ© de passer par un autre portail DHL mais j’obtiens le mĂȘme rĂ©sultat.
Est-ce normal ?

Man ! U are overwhelmed !