Issues with List3 Backers

Je peux essayer de me renseigner. Mais donnez-moi votre numéro de backerkit, c’est plus facile à vérifier.

He wasn’t replying to you Angad, but to Maximilien just above you.

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Oh…ok.guess I used up my French unneccessarily .he he

Si je ne me trompe pas c’est ça : 15587075

Votre numéro de suivi semble correct: DHL Privatkunden - Paketversand und Paketempfang mit DHL

Vous êtes dans la même situation que beaucoup d’autres. Le numéro de suivi DHL a été généré à Hong Kong, mais votre produit est maintenant en route vers l’Allemagne dans une grande expédition collective. Après le dédouanement en Belgique et le déchargement des palettes en Allemagne, DHL Allemagne finira par récupérer votre produit et exécuter votre livraison.

À l’heure actuelle, le trafic de fret à Hong Kong est extrême, il faut donc 2 à 4 semaines avant que les produits soient récupérés par DHL Allemagne. Vous ne commencerez à voir plus de détails sur votre numéro de suivi tant que DHL Germany n’aura pas reçu votre produit. Il se pourrait que ce soit vers la deuxième semaine de juin.

J’espère que cela répond à votre question.

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11131 for Backerkit and 17638 for Indiegogo

Your Backerkit number is 15608247, not what you posted

We sent the shipping instruction for your unit along with many others a week or more ago, but have not yet received any tracking information. As soon as we do we will upload it into Backerkit and you’ll get a notification by mail.

Referring to my comments up there, I have already called to their hotline and they said there is no such order. Therefore there will be Philips’ liability to deal with the logistic company.

Also, I called to their english hotline and i spoke english to them. Their english were completely fine.

Please help sort this out. @IvoGrijt

Who did you call @ShiptoHongKong , Kerry Express? They’re not our forwarder, which is who Steve was referring to. They are merely one of the many delivery companies used by our forwarder, and were not who Steve was talking about.

Thanks for this. It would’ve been great if an email from Philips came to each backer on the list saying exactly that. Run the same report that generates the list, select a different column and send us an email. It would’ve saved hundreds of us checking the tracking multiple times a day and re-entering the tracking numbers over and over again because it says to check we’ve keyed it correctly. Hiding behind this forum and posting messages blaming DHL or other suppliers is not good enough. You chose those suppliers not us. Every time I check I lose even more confidence in you guys. If you told me I didn’t need to check for a couple of weeks then I loose faith a little more slowly.
I’m sure you’ve covered this off in the forum somewhere but with many 10s of thousands of posts and only a tiny percentage of which help me until I receive anything, I think that is also a huge mistake on your part.

Kerry and Philips are the only two parties that I could go to when issues happen.

So may i know who i should contact with to get updates of my shipment if Kerry is not the right party to get in touch.

sorry just learned backerkit nr is 15608247

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@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N @imdevu
Hi! I am in Listing 3! But I have n’t received the tracking number so far. Can you confirm it for me?

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I am from France as well, same issue here…

Kerry and Philips are the only two parties that I could go to when issues happen.

So may i know who i should contact with to get updates of my shipment if Kerry is not the right party to get in touch.

@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N

Yes and no.

Yes, you can have it, but not yet.
Like I said in the post, “we’ve been offered the services of a company in HK for customer support”.
That was yesterday, in the evening for Hong Kong.
The people that you’ll be contacting have no idea yet what to expect or say, who to talk to to get the info needed or requested, or anything like that. They’ll need to have some on boarding happening first, before we can allow them to be contacted. It’s all so early that even I don’t have the contact details yet.

So what kind of information are you after specifically, that your tracking information can’t provide? The tracking should work just fine soon if this follows through like promised to us:

So let’s wait a little longer, hopefully we won’t even need to use their offered help!

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Hello. I am living in France. I can’t find the link to have my DHL number. I have seen that I was in the list 3 and it was supposed ready to be send. How I can find my tracking number ? My contribution ID is 12021. Thanks for your help

Look for an email from Backerkit, it wil have your tracking code CR071930769DE in it

Hello, my Indiegogo ID 15842, Backerit ID 15584551(TAIWAN), no tracking code has been received till now.
My shipping information already has a Chinese name.
Please check it for me, thank you.

Hello, team. My id in the list which you published on May 13th. And i have no any notification about shipping. My indiegogo id 13752. Could you please give me information when my projector will be sent?