Logitech Harmony remote

Would be great if ppm can be controlled using a harmony remote. Are you able to provide your remote codes to Logitech?

Agreed this should be added to Philips/Screeneo’s agenda. Older Harmony IR models and hub-based Bluetooth commands could both be added. If you want it now though, there’s always Learn mode…

Should be fairly easy to learn the remote right? As far as I know the harmony has a learning mode to pair custom devices:)

I already control it with a Broadlink Mini. I taught it the code from the remote. It works perfectly !
Off signal is a long press on power though.

Let us contact with Logitech, they are 1km away from us.


Logitech Harmony Support should be there off course! :ok_hand: Especially to control the PPM with Amazon Alexa!

Be careful, Harmony doesn’t include the Airmote system if I’m bot wrong

Is the whole PPM UI not accessible via Up/Down/Left/Right/Select/Back :open_mouth: ?

for sure, but not in Netflix app for eg. You need the AirMote inside Netflix

Oh thanks for the Info

P.S. Harmony Remotes (via Harmony Hub) can also connect to devices that are Bluetooth Only; but I think not emulate the AirMouse you are using. Will be realy interesting to hear what your Neighbor Logitech could offer you :slight_smile:

I think they will just offer the IR code integration. They don’t have a Gyro chip inside their remote

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We have now the right contact, we will keep you posted


Great news!

Yep personally I’m a Harmony user myself and would like to see PPX supported asap.


I am an harmony user too…
You can have a screen where the entire screen on the Elite remote become a touch pad for gesture control. Perhaps this could be used for scrolling? The further the finger the middle of the screen, the faster the scroll?
Otherwise, yes, the harmony can learn IR code from any remote…

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While you have their Attention soon, let them know that their Beta Community ist Missing them at…


… :wink:

I use my Harmony companion remote on Netflix app on my Android TV box without any issue (so no “AirMote” in that case too). Up/Left/Right/Down/Ok/Back provide all the navigation required.

What would be the difference here causing it to not work in Netflix app on PPX?

AFAIK Netflix on PPM can only controlled via AirMote, not the Cursor Buttons. Because it is the Tablet Version of NetFlix.

Update: It can be controlled also with the D-Pad, but with the default Colorsettings it is pretty hard to see where the current selection is.

For the Harmony Hub products there is the Harmony Smart Keyboard ( Harmony Smart Keyboard ). The Harmony Hub has an option to pair via Bluetooth to devices and with the keyboard it should at least give users who have it a mouse pad (providing it is setup through Logitech this way).

Update here: we found the right contact at Logitech and they are asking now the HEX files for our remotes. To be continued…