PPM Color Calibration Primer

@Philips_Support_P the screenshot I was referring to was the one posted earlier in this thread by @IvoGrijt here: PPM Color Calibration Primer - #31 by PhilipsIvo
It seems like this may be a screenshot from the interface on the PicoPix Max One?

I was just hoping for some way to make adjustments to the image tuning variables from the standard remote while using a HDMI/USB-C source. But if I understand you now correctly this is not coming?
Having a companion app that would allow the changing of brightness/contrast/saturation/etc. while watching something from HDMI/USB-C would be a workable alternative I guess.

Hi @smartygus

This feature is unfortunately not possible on PicoPix Max. It is possible on PicoPix Max One.

This feature is possible also on PicoPix Max via Bluetooth, and the app is in the works.

Okay cool, thanks again for the clarification. I look forward to trying out the app. Do you have a beta program for the app? I use iOS.

Hello Prashant,
I updated my PPM but I still don’t have the “looks feature”. Are you guys still working on improving the PPM ?

Hello @Nico-P, the RGB calibration feature is only available as part of the Colour Correction beta app, if you join the beta testers list.

I’ve added you to the beta testers group. Don’t forget to input your PicoPix Max serial number on your forum profile to help with future warranty claims as a beta user!

Hi @Philips_Support_P - When would we be able to use the companion app? Any launch dates in mind? Will you surprise us with the release of the app sometime soon before Christmas/New year?

Looking forward to it.

Hello @prabz18485 the companion app has been put on hold indefinitely as the team is very busy with new products. If you need to use the colour settings app, consider joining the beta lounge.

Please add me as well to the beta lounge. I would like to try out color setting app.

I would like to be added tot the beta-testers as well, thank you…

Hi @prabz18485 @Danny @DieBruine the beta lounge is now read-only accessible to everyone. The latest BETA app for colour calibration is here.

The beta app is not accessible, could you open it to me?
Many thanks

Nice to see the app is up and running.
I tried to connect to the link but it leads me to a screeneo page
Did the address move?
Many thanks and wishing you a nice sunday

Hi @Groovycelt and @Pat please try to access the page again. It should work. The link to download the APK is in that post.

Alternatively you can download it from this link.

May I ask is the colour adjustment app still available?

Seems like the link is dead , and burried :tired_face: