Yet another temperature over time plot. Trying to reproduce worst case with empty battery, charger plugged, presentation mode + Kodi playing some movie. - Highest temperature is reached when unplugging the charger for a short time. Seems that the fan control produces some dip in this area which was also seen in the first plot.
DPI is now set a bit too high. Scaling looks good but causes some apps to default phone mode and not tablet mode. Not ideal, some apps are turned portrait due to this.
Two apps that used to work (RaiPlay and Synology DS Video) now arenât starting after upgrading.
Clicking on the icon does nothing. I have not upgraded the launcher, just 1.0.32 beta.
Also I had a few (three maybe?) crashes with Jitsi Meet and Skype, all in maybe fifteen minutes of trying all the apps in turn, and after the app crashed networking wasnât working anymore, until reboot.
Wifi was on, but every app couldnât connect to the server, cycling just wifi didnât solve.
I lowered my DPI to 240 and I am back to tablet mode apps. I used 240 and thatâs a good medium for me between size of apps. Everything was a bit big before. The command to do so is:
adb shell wm density 240 && adb reboot
The default is 320. To go back to stock use:
adb shell wm density 320 && adb reboot
Going lower makes apps smaller and going higher makes them bigger. Use this cautiously!
Howâs the Philipâs provided UI though like settings and file manager?
I think those are not designed for dynamic scaling so supporting scaling settings isnât trivial at the moment.
UI with adb shell wm density 240 && adb reboot looks like it was before the resolution was changed in 1.0.27. At least the proportions seem to be the same ? For me getting more app Icons on one launcher page was the better option then now with that big icons.
User interface is now scaled to 2x
Up to now the interface was running at 1920x1080, which is not ideal for most apps on a TV-like device. Text and UI elements were too small. Several of you have asked for this to be improved. In this update we have enabled HiDPI mode with a 2x scaling. This means the UI appears like 960x540 but continues to be rendered at 1920x1080.
With density 240 youâre running at virtual 1280x720.
It is still not planned as a user feature due to various internal issues. However if someone wants to change it themselves using adb, theyâre welcome to do so. We will re-evaluate after v1.1.0.
i think forcing the user with certain scaling is fine but the problem is that the effect on apps varies greatly to the point that some seems to not work at all anymore. I think thatâs the issue that needs a solution more than what people prefer for the scaling.