General info about shipment and manufacturing

@Philips_Support_1 @Philips_Support_N

Hello my backer_id is 15590327 could you give an ETA?


Just trying to understand what is going on - I will wait for the next batch to be shipped I guess as long as it doesn’t take 3 weeks to ship… But it’s not exactly fair

Seems still like a long wait… I thought new assembly line would increase the throughput

@Philips_Support_T Could you please confirm when i will receive My PPM ??

ETA FOR BACKER # 15585774 saudi arabia

Now that it seems that a few questions are answered I dare to post my unanswered question again:

@Philips_Support_N: I contributed twice, have two Indigogo contribution ids and two Backerkit ids (15593978 and 15583259). One of the backerkit ids is on the list, the other one not. Interestingly the one on the list relates to the later (2 months) contribution with the much higher contribution id than the one not on the list.
Can I expect to get both devices at one or was there any mistake in the handling?

@Philips_Support_T I have backer ID 6463 shipping to Italy, any estimate when I will receive it?

@Philips_Support_1 @Philips_Support_N So the flight on the 11th is going direct to Saudi Arabia?

What about the UK and EU projectors??? I am assuming you have multiple flights booked if this is the case, if so are they all on the 11th?

ID number 16638, please give ETA. Thanks.

Hello, as said many times, we are not answering one to one question on the ETA. We show the backer numbers of the next batch.
We should have all the 1170+1200 backers tracking number before the end of the week as previsouly said.


dear PhilipsNono, I understand that you don’t want to get crazy answering every single backer every single day.
at the same time -every single backer- does not want to get crazy checking this tread every single day. I actually have no idea if my product has -by any chance- already been shipped (and is blocked somewhere, for example). I have never seen lists of tracking numbers, because I cannot go through every post of this community.
An advice could be collecting all the files regarding products in a place where people can just open them when they can.


Personal Opinion:

Perhaps the moderators should start removing individual backer’s questions, except for those with a real problem, like replacement info via Backerkit or otherwise, country wide questions, moving issues, etc.?

@Philips_Support_T individual updates don’t help as the moment you give one, everybody rushes in like information hungry piranhas (understandably so, not shaming or blaming here).
Answering a question like Andy’s is relevant to others if given in a broader sense, or answers that affect more users. So those should be fine and answerable, but not individual ones as the answers will not be specific enough anyways.


We created a summary thread so nobody has to hunt down information but instead can find it in one convenient spot. Bookmark that and gather your daily digest from it, you can always click on the quotes in that topic to jump right into the actual thread where it was actually posted.
You’ll find two lists in there as well with the info you’re looking for.

Look the messages of @Philips_Support_T !!!

You reply to ETAs in terms of batches (end of April, May and other comments). So be serious either you do give info to backer or not!!!

I asked you about the shipment a few questions (6 days ago and 10hrs ago) but you never replied! That was not about ETA but about the way your logistics work!

So probably you do not have a policy that everyone follow and secondly you avoid replying about shipments and logistics. I wonder why!

Hi @Philips_Support_T Do you mean the Singapore Batch will be receiving PPM in (start / mid / end of May ) ? This is just too late , can you please help expedite this ? previously the production was 2x or less, now based on the info the production is 3x, if thats the case why such delay ?

Contribution ID - 19990
Backer Order - 11913611

But philips support stated that give your number and they will give ETA

@Philips_Support_N see above statement

Hi, I love to know my PPM ETA , and i can pick it up myself from the Hong Kong Warehouse if its possible :grinning:

Contribution ID
Backer ID

heard that your shipping to israel, but i cant find my I backer_id on the list.
My back is is :15583773.
Could you provide me some information about this ?

@Philips_Support_T Backer ID 16065, when am I getting mine shipped?