General info about shipment and manufacturing

Hi @Philips_Support_N,

As in one of the post you said UAE is in next batch and also as per latest update #23 on indiegogo its planned to ship country wise now, so should I expect all the UAE shipments in the next batch.

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I am from Singapore, how can I know whether mine is inside 460 shipped or 282 ready to ship?

I wonder what EU law says about this scam overall.
I feel robbed as long as they refuse to issue a refund after keeping my money hostage for 8 months.


When you get an email when itā€™s shipped

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I donā€˜t know.
Anyway, Iā€˜d prefer if they would still refund.

Its calming to see Turkey here but how can I track the shipping? where can I find the tracking number?
Contribution ID

When your projector is shipped, you get a mail telling you just that. If you havenā€™t received a mail from that says your projector has shipped and contains a link to Backerkit for tracking, then your projector most probably hasnā€™t been shipped yet. To be certain, please be sure to check the same email account you used for backing and also look in the spam folder.


thanks a lot.
Have a beautiful day :slight_smile:


I didnā€™t receive any email from backerkit.


But when you posted earlier my backer id is present in the list.

Screenshot from backer kit.

My Contribution ID: 1978
Contribution Date: August 23, 2019
Location: India.

Can you let me know the status?

omgā€¦It took me 6 hours to figure out how to navigate to the point of sending you a message. Not computer savvy. Iā€™m wondering what is the easiest way to find out whether or not my projector shipped or when it will ship?


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@Philips_Support_T @system

I am still waiting for a responsible person to contact with me from Philips or screeneo

I was contributor # 14091 and i have been treated very bad by philip nono in this fourm ( hold my account, kicked out from project and refunded in a single Second just when i asked him to stop misleading information )

@Dedohamdy You asked for a refund and got one.

There is nothing to complain about as the project is no longer accepting backers until it sells to consumers afterwards .

You were not ā€œkicked outā€ of the campaign, you asked for a refund and that was provided to you. I suggest next time not requesting a refund if you dont want one. You will now have to wait for it to be sold commercially


I have contacted Philips. They said that by the end of April i will have the projector. We shall see who is telling the truth.

And they did

edit please note @tsouvli @kai and anyone thinking of requesting for a refund - you canā€™t actually ask for a refund until youā€™ve actually received the product and as far as the campaign is concerned youā€™re still on the hook until they deliver the product to you.

@tsouvli There is a gap in current regulations as it relates to consumer protection in crowdfunding. However the possible perspective for this particular situation may be that the ā€œperkā€ is the ability to own the product first and give exclusive feedback in the development. Whilst a legal challenge of the failure to deliver this perk may be difficult to challenge under European consumer protection laws, the fact that they have described the benefit of being able to ā€œownā€ the product first and that Philips is also making this commercially available will certainly be a factor in favour of classifying us as customers and therefore receive EU consumer law protection

(Consumer guarantees, warranties, claims and returns - Your Europe)

In other words,

  1. because this has been marketed the way it has been,
  2. combined with the fact that Philips is pushing this out through their own sales channels and not exclusively to the crowdfunding platform,

weakens the often repeated assertion on this forum that we should be patient and accept that this is crowdfunding and not a regular product purchase.

As such, this would potentially provide you with all the legal protections under EU consumer protection laws.

Naturally you should seek your own legal advice for this and as this is a small quantum on an individual basis and not a class action law suit you should familiarise yourself with the small claims process.


I also ask him to tell the truth but he only focus on the asking refund after he drive me crazy of his misleading information
More over i asked officially by Email and i got reply they canā€™t cancel at this time but Once it become personally he immediately cancel my contribution.

Second i ask for responsible person from Philips or screeneo and you are not

Hey, I donā€™t want a refund. Iā€˜m looking forward to getting my ppm next week and hope that it will be good.

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Are definitely wanted next week?

Hi @Philips_Support_N, @IvoGrijt, @Philips_Support_T

Since there is so much confusion about people not receiving their devices, is it possible for someone from Philips or yourself to collate some lists that are posted to a new thread which cannot be replied to and keeps it clean for people to review which sorts backerIDs or Contributor IDs by country for those that have been shipped? I was trying to navigate around and find the list of IDā€™s that have been shipped, but with some of the users who are spamming the forum and so many individual questions, itā€™s hard to track down the information. I can completely understand that itā€™s hard for the moderators and Philips to get back to everyone in this forum, but a simple spreadsheet for each country showing who has shipped and who is ready to ship might really help suppress a lot of the chatter in this feed.

Is this something that could be generated and put in a different location other than in the midst of this conversation which is almost impossible to find?

Thanks for your continued efforts! Looking forward to the final product arriving someday soon.


You mean something like the summary thread we created so nobody has to hunt down information but instead can find it in one convenient spot?

Bookmark that and gather your daily digest from it, you can always click on the quotes in that topic to jump right into the actual thread where it was actually posted.

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