General info about shipment and manufacturing

With your Tracking :innocent: can you say -

How many Shipped? xxxxx
How many In Shipment + ready to ship xxxxx
Total xxxxx

Max fulfilled count - say 9200 produced.

I think this is mostly needed :joy: so much confusion on total number producedā€¦ ha haa

Well done! I assumed by seeing your number. Around 9000 got produced out of 14000 and pending 5000

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You are missing that some backers may have quit before the campaign charged payment, or stayed then but later requested a refund before March 11th, when the campaign closed. Their IndieGogo contribution numbers were not reused. They now form ā€œholesā€ in the number sequence. Whether there are enough people buying more than one to compensate is uncertain.

There can also be significant side effects when trying to arrange efficient multi-country logistics. In a (hypothetical) extreme example, your country or region might have a hundred backers, most of them with numbers that should be ready to ship, plus you with a late number. If there are at least a hundred projectors ready to send, they are unlikely to put 99 of them on the plane and ship another for you in a separate shipment later. Such effects might work against you as well, but only when others with a higher number than you get the same type of luck in another country/region. With your high number there are not that many higher-numbered. I think you could be more likely to gain from this than lose.

Which country did you give for the delivery address?

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Mine as well!

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Now thatā€™s being impatient taken to the next level :smiley:

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Only hope postnord donā€™t screw up.the final mile!

@Philips_Support_N can you update on the numbers of which country got how many delivered and how many are still pending or in production?

I would love to see the numbers ( some others might as well)

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Hi Phillips,
Is this (2630212966) tracking number correct? I see that everyone got a tracking number from
.backerkit also has letters In addition to the number
Also i am from israel and i got this tracking number from backerkit in 15/04/20 , I should expect a change from this status " Sorry, your tracking attempt was not successful. Please check your tracking
r " in the next few hours

I donā€™t think theyā€™re the only ones that have been lying and leading customers on.
Canā€™t believe the slowness here, this model will be out dated by the time we get them through.

If it comesā€¦

We are in Germany. So not that rareā€¦ I am used to delays with crowdfundings. But my boss gets impatient and keeps asking me if that was a scamā€¦ :slight_smile:

I cant understand whatā€™s the status of the Indiegogo shipments stuck in Germany from the 10th of April.

Can I get a status or how to check the status for my id 7250 ?

Yes, not that rare indeed. You are less likely to benefit from the logistics side effect I mentioned. There were 1514 backers from Germany at last publicly disclosed count (2020-03-18):

Only the US had more backers.

Has PhilipsNono been replaced internally? or are you drinking on the job (well done if you are!) - ā€œiā€™m going to destroy themā€ - ā€œmust be scanning with their eyesā€.

Go on fellaā€™ I can get behind that - UNLEASH THE FURY!!! RAAAAAR!


Weā€™ll hopefully see about that next week sometimeā€¦

hello @Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt ,
when you are saying : ā€œblocked countriesā€
i am from israel which by DHL it isnt blocked, its only say 1 day delay,

i am on List 2 but it didnt update yet and still saying my ppm is in HK ā€¦
when should i expect an update ?

All this data doesnā€™t really help doesnā€™t really update much info.
Where is countrywise days .how many pending n how.many despatched n received

With all due respect to those who donā€™t have their perks yet and are asking for country wise shipment details, amount produced and shipped so far, how many pending fulfillment, etc:

How is any of this relevant to you? All that matters in my opinion is when you are actually going to get your perk, period. How many were already made and shipped doesnā€™t matter, nor which countries are next, or how many still left to go. Knowing these numbers wonā€™t tell you what you really need and want to know: when can you enjoy your popcorn while using the PPM. Even if you knew that your country would be next for instance, until you find your tracking label in your mail the knowledge only leads to dreams and expectations with no certainty.

I personally donā€™t care how many people have been fulfilled before me, how many will be after me, or which countries will be next. All I care about is when am I going to get mine.

So the only useful information in my opinion would be an actual, official estimate for you, coupled with weekly production and shipment numbers. Philips have indicated not being able to give the former, but are providing us with the latter. So I take comfort in knowing they are working on getting me mine and sit back and wait.


Iā€™m ok with when I get but Iā€™m not interested in history but what and when it will come.

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I hoped that the factory would have had an update on the numbers this week. @Philips_Support_N should be more strict with them on reporting :slight_smile:


From my point of view, it means that there are still PPMā€™s being sent to the country. If we know how many have been shipped, then we can make educated guesses on how much longer there is to wait. It wonā€™t be accurate and thatā€™s OK, but seeing how (or if) itā€™s progressing does help. I like seeing that people are continuing to receive as it still means progress is being made. Does it make me get it quicker? No, of course not. But itā€™s still good to know.