General info about shipment and manufacturing

I agree 10000% with this.

They have the ability and resource to do this already - if I buy/back a product from a multi-million pound organisation my expectations are way higher, than it is from buying from a startup - this is why so many people have such a low patience threshold for this project (and the C19 shiz)


Updates regarding Brazil (and other ā€œblocked countriesā€)?

For those who are looking for a high level summary:


Hello @Philips_Support_N and @Philips_Support_T . Any notice for brazilian backers? Any new informativo or preview?


I think it must be obvious that:

  1. the campaign got so many backers because of the Philips brand
  2. a large majority of backers actually considered this as a low risk/safe bet because of that name and were effectively online shopping instead of backing

Add to that the heavy advertising that was done for this campaignā€¦ it was literally impossible to miss this. How many other campaigns are advertised so aggressively?

So yes, I donā€™t find it such a bad thing if big brands stay away from crowdfunding if they cannot assure similar consistency and service as they do for their other products. Because more people are backing with that service in mind instead of the possibility to access the developers.

As for Screeneo, I agree with someone who mentioned that they got what they should have (and should have prepared for). They surely canā€™t be so naive and expect to use Philipsā€™ name but not cater to expectations that come with such a name. If they wanted to serve as Screeneo they should have used Screeneo brand.

I am still waiting patiently and fully understand the delays. Have also not written to CEO & co. But i fully understand those who have and donā€™t think it is wrong in any way.


@Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt,

Just a quick question about the BackerKit ID numbers and if I missed something. All the IDā€™s that have been in the lists of shipped devices have been starting with 155XXXXX, but my ID is a 168XXXXX, just curious if there was a different between the numbers that start with 155 and 168 since all of the current shipments are 155. Wanted to make sure I didnā€™t make a mistake doing something and Iā€™m on a totally separate list. Probably nothing, but thought it was worth asking.

@IvoGrijt, I know you arenā€™t Philips staff, but thought you might have some insight.

Thanks for everything you are doing!

Iā€™m 169XXXXX backerkit ID
I hope that doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s another 100000 units before they reach us hahah

Well done! This summary view so nice. Some one in contribution id around 12/13k around can expect in next batchs. According to my contribution; I have to wait for 3/4 more batch.

I donā€™t need to ask Philips for status :rofl: :joy:

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As long as you followed the advice in and found your Backerkit ID, then yes, the number is correct.

The Backerkit ID is issued by Backerkit to everyone using their services, along all campaigns. When Philips sends out a survey for letā€™s say 1000 backers, those backers get assigned a Backerkit ID according to the order in which they filled it in, by just selecting the next available number. So if Philips Indiegogo backer 990 is quick to fill in the survey, heā€™ll get a Backerkit ID number thatā€™s lower than IGG backer 20 who didnā€™t fill in the survey till a week later. But for shipping order that doesnā€™t matter, 20 will get his before 990 (country prioritization not included in this example). All of the Backerkit IDā€™s will be in reasonable vicinity of each other as Philips mightā€™ve been the only Backerkit service user releasing surveys at that moment.

So after two weeks, another 1000 backers get sent their surveys. By now, some other Backerkit service users running other campaigns have also sent out and gotten back surveys. Those people got the next available Backerkit IDā€™s that have nothing to do with this campaign, again, itā€™s just how Backerkit identifies their surveys. This means that the numbers will have jumped, if a lot of surveys were filled in by other campaignsā€™ respondents then it might be a huge gap from the first 1000 from Philips.
And so on and on.

So you see, the Backerkit ID numbers mean nothing essentially when it comes to defining the fulfillment order, itā€™s just to identify your survey. Itā€™s like a social security number would identify you in a queue, but your position in the queue itself is dictated by which service you need and when you joined the queue or drew a number.

Not so fast. Thereā€™s been overnight movement. Mine has gone from Cologne , Germany to Dresden , Germany.

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same here

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Just checked. Dresden has an airport. Hopefully might be in the air tonight , to quote Phil Collins.

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And mine too! Fingers crossed for early next week

@Philips_Support_N Iā€™ve sent an email changing my address but havenā€™t receive any kind of confirmation and my old address still appears in backer kitā€¦ what should I do?

Hello my order is: Contribution ID
15088 When can I ship in China?

9 days that I received my DHL tracking number and still no updateā€¦ This is ridiculousā€¦ :smiley:

What to do seriously?..

37 posts were merged into an existing topic: Itā€™s here! - First Impressions and Thoughts

I guess, you keep waiting a while longer? :man_shrugging:t4:

It took 20 days for the EU shipment to even update, let alone be delivered. Things are delayed all over the world, please try to keep that in mind. You having a tracking label means that yours has been made, packed, shipped, and is almost in your hands. Many other backers are still waiting to even make it on any list or get a tracking label.

Please be patient a little bit longer. :+1:t4:

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A quick update for who might not have noticed it yet:

We now have a menu item at the top of the board with the label News, clicking on that will take you straight to the Latest News Updates Summarized thread. This replaces the banner and allows us to share other exciting news with you guys and girls.


Strange you got it but I didnā€™t. I am also in the UK.