General info about shipment and manufacturing

I am from Russia, but I still haven’t received track number (Contribution ID - 8643)

Unfortunately that has been the trend in the last 2 months for this new day and age.

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Is Jordan batch dispatched from Hong Kong to Europe already?

Anyway we are almost done so no idea cribbing .
Imdevu announce n let me know when ur tracking comes live .if it does what will it mean? It’s in hongkong or its on a flight ?
I’m sorry I forgot the flow charts and all that

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here is the link to the flowchart again: [FAQ] Tracking and Shipping

and i will update once I see any progress on my tracking number.

Let ma ken fit ye think. Fingers crossed it’s better than some people are reporting. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Scrap that - Just turned UP!!! :slight_smile:


Surprise :partying_face:

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Jealous - according to DHL (I called them up this morning), even though my projector has left Germany, it will pass through a couple of European countries due to the type of service that was chosen (and may take 9 working days), before reaching Malta. DHL does not know where it currently is and are unable to track which country it is currently in. Only way I will know it has reached Malta safely is once it has been scanned by our local postal service operator…

Fingers crossed it will arrive safely without being stolen somewhere along the way…


Good news everyone!
Just got an sms from DHL: my box is in Germany, will arrive tomorrow in Gatwick and will be delivered by Saturday!


Can you ask DHL what type of service was chosen for your projector to be delivered? Was it the ecommerce platform?

Just got an sms from DHL: my 2 PicoPix are in Germany and should be delivered to me in Scotland by Saturday…


Arrived - Poland from18/05 batch. :love_you_gesture:


@imdevu I know you liked the post, and I’m sure @Philips_Support_N chose the most cost-efficient delivery method, but I would have imagined they would have at least opted for a service which offered complete visibility as to the whereabouts of the shipment given the cost of the device.

@PeteD I don’t know all the official internal workings, but I read on one of @IvoGrijt’s post that this is their third tie-up and not the first choice that the team had originally finalised. So the above statement might not be true.

I understand the pain, as I have not recieved the product as well, At least you have a working tracking ID. All I get to see is (Not found): No result found for your DHL query. Please try again.
I hope that it shows something/anything soon enough.


Please explain why the Backers waited for more than two weeks, but didn’t receive the tracking code?

(List3 Betty Taiwan)


Are you really suggesting to read the Quick Start Guide? :sweat_smile: :rofl:


I am struggling to get my tracking number to work. :man_with_probing_cane:


Same state :slight_smile:

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Not really same: