General info about shipment and manufacturing

First thoughts! Looks quality, crisp image and brightness is good even in daytime indoors, speakers are pretty decent not tinny, not too loud though which is good and bad I guess. Done software updates! Mind pair your remote! As not paired out box for bluetooth!

This is a quality item, you won’t be disappointed :smiley:


Happy to see a lot of backers come here to communicate that they have finally recieved their PPM.
Congratulations to all those who got or are getting their devices this week.

I am looking forward for hearing a lot of comments/reviews/first impressions to come up over this weekend.

Reminder to check the New Users Start Here

Add to improve this thread (first post is editable by all). What I did to setup the PPM?


Where are you from dude ?

Because nothing was happening.

Read this (again) please: General info about shipment and manufacturing - #4908

Any findings yet?

Shame they couldn’t afford UPS. New MacBook China to Korea to Dubai to Cologne to east midland to Somerset… 2 days. Picked up the following day, east mids, Cologne, into Marseille and delivered to me I under 24 hours. Now that is service not like the DHL clowns


We have paid 29 EUR for shipping. I think it’s enough to send the projector Individually. But they want to save more money and sacrifice the user experience. They still sell on the IndieGoGo, the estimated shipping changed from May to June. I don’t think they can ship the projector if I place a new order in June. They use this to induce more people to place orders.


I got my DHL number two weeks ago from Backerkit.
However, the number is still invalid.
How long should I wait for DHL tracking?

My contribution number is 9752 on the Batch Betty

sorry to know that you are one of those who was “induced” to buy this PPM towards the end of the campaign as your contribution ID is just below 21k and the last contributor ID is in the mid 21k. I had backed the campaign in late October 2019 and am still patiently waiting for my PPM. Many backers before and after me are also PATIENTLY waiting for their PPMs to be delivered without ranting here every other day.

Philips has mentioned that all PPMs are produced and it’s just a matter of weeks that it will be delivered to all backers. Air freight is a challenge these days (because of the global pandemic in case you don’t know) with much fewer flights and Philips would still have to protect their profit margin by getting delivery services which are within their budget even if it means by sending in bulk rather than individually.

If you are such in need of a projector for your use, why don’t buy something off the shelf now and then sell the PPM when it arrives? I’m sure you could make back the amount of what you had original backed of even slightly more when you sell the PPM online.


I think we will get tracking by tomm and it will arrive if all goes well btwn 10-15th

I think we are talking about different things. I backed other projects on various websites during these three months. They didn’t delay the shipping date over one month base on there estimated shipping, and users in three days can track the tracking number they provide. So I think this is the thing Philips could not do it well. Most people very patient already. So you think this is the right thing that even they can’t ship with the estimated shipping date, and they can still show it on the website? BTW I am not much in need of this projector. I just hope they can end the shipping in June.


obviously i don’t know what else you had backed. but the PPM also contains lithium ion batteries which presents another challenge for air freight (in case you don’t know). Even if Philips is willing to charter a plane to send all the PPMs, they won’t be able to do it as there is a limit on how much cargo containing lithium ion batteries is allowed to be carried on board planes.

I had backed in Oct 2019 when the expected delivery was before Christmas 2019 and it’s now June 2020. I’m not saying this delay is fine but there had been challenges globally over the last 5 months. Unfortunately it is what it is. Even if I am to rant and chase for updates here every day, it’s not going to speed up the process of the PPM being delivered to me.


We are backers and support Philips’ plan. When Philips does not carry out the plan, we have the right to challenge and Philips is also obliged to explain to us. However, when mistakes and delays were made time and again, the explanation proposed by Philips could not convince most of the backers. (Please look around) Transportation was originally a part of the plan, and Philips cannot be exempted.

“Remember that time is money, Philips is spending your money.”


Still no news from my email ?!
I do not appear in the last mailing lists and I saw yesterday that the Picopix Max is available for sale in many stores in France (Darty, cdiscount, baker …) and they can deliver the Picopix to me Max in 24h !! It’s a shame.
So where is my Picopix please?
Contribution id 21456

The delays haven’t bothered me , what is concerning is DHL potentially reusing tracking numbers and mine and other people showing delivered 4 weeks ago in Italy when i have only just received my number.and Philips seem to be saying nothing to do with us.


It’s interesting. That’s the reason why Philips delayed the shipping? Because they are preparing goods for retail?


@Philips_Support_N Hello, my projector has arrived in the UK, but DHL has told me that the delivery of my consignment has been delayed and that I should get in touch with you. Could you please let me know what’s happening? ContributionID: 13087

Does anyone on the Jordan list have an activated tracking number yet?

I have 2.
One that works, and what that isn’t.

Hi Jenya, this info in topic Shipping to Mother Russia

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