General info about shipment and manufacturing

Not necessarily. Mine hit the same status as you at 04:09 this morning then a chronology email at 08:25. Fingers crossed for you.


We did dump 3390 packages for EU batches Betty, Laurent, Jordan, & Amy on DHL’s doorstep, so not all will be sorted and dealt with the same way right away.


What are the 3390 packages you are referring to? The Joy, Laurent, or Jordan PPMs?

EDIT - I assume it means the EU packages? And not ROW?

Hi @IvoGrijt !
finaly got inoformation but honestly quite confusing
We, 24.06.2020, 04:10, Lahr, Germany

The shipment will be transported to the destination country/destination area and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization. (Homepage / online shipment tracking:

We, 24.06.2020, 02:18, Lahr, Germany

The shipment has been processed in the destination parcel center

We, 24.06.2020, 02:14, Lahr, Germany

The shipment has been processed in the parcel center

Mo, 22.06.2020, 13:51, Saulheim, Germany

The international shipment is being prepared for onward transport.

Fr, 19.06.2020, 14:11

The shipment has been posted by the sender at the retail outlet

Su, 31.05.2020, 19:40

The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically

Then it gives a link to french postal service that says that the shipment was delivered two month ago on april 4th. My contribution is 13870.

I can be quite patient and I understand the whole lockdown, pandemia story but that one is a bit two much to be perfectly honest.

Obviously, you will understand that NOTHING was ever delivered…

Good luck on that one.



Your case is yet another one of the reused tracking label issues, see our [FAQ] Tracking and Shipping #5 for an explanation for this.
Only thing is that until the French postal service scan your package, you’ll also only see the information of the previous shipment that had that tracking code, not yours, which will however still be on its way to you and should be delivered this week.


That was fast and clear…let us hope that it comes soon enough!! Thanks a lot! I thought it was gonna be tougher


It might be only me, but I don’t understand almost anything from your message.
If it’s a complaint, try to reformulate it, otherwise people that are supposed to help you might not know what your problem is.


:smiley: That post is a good candidate for


I was told that the wrong address for my shipment was given to the forwarder, then three weeks without anymore info.

(The correct address is in Sweden, which I updated in January this year.)

@IvoGrijt Should know about my case

@IvoGrijt Now even the last backers and getting theirs shipped, can I at least get an update on what’s happening to my case?

Screen Shot 2020-06-24 at 11.26.16 AM


I simply do not have an answer for you yet unfortunately, just as I have no answer for a lot of other cases I’ve requested either information about or action from our forwarder, despite chasing them on these.
I know @Philips_Support_N and @Philips_Support_N are in meetings today, but I’ll escalate through them yet again to see what can be done about this lack of feedback from the forwarder.

It frustrates me more than it does you, as you only have your unit you’re worried about, I have a lot of units and backers to worry about and should be able to get the answers but just am not getting any.

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Possible to just send another one? Now it’s just punishing your customers for doing nothing wrong.

The address was updated months before any shipping started, it’s really disappointing for a global big brand handling things like this.


hey @Happytoon,

A question regarding your delivery sequence:

Did you receive any further updates on the website after “The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center”? Mine hasn’t moved whatsoever and I can’t find any tracking on the UK version as you suggested.

My tracking sequence is this:
Tu, 23.06.2020, 05:23, Dorsten, Germany

The international shipment has been processed in the export parcel center

Track shipment now

Mo, 22.06.2020, 18:34, Saulheim, Germany

The international shipment has been processed in the parcel center of origin

Sa, 20.06.2020, 12:41

The shipment has been posted by the sender at the retail outlet

Su, 31.05.2020, 17:58

The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically

No updates, nothing. I’m stuck in an endless F5 loop and with no PPM it’s purgatory! :crazy_face:


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Yours is still with German DHL in Dorsten, will probably leave there today.

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I am happy to report my PicoPix finally got delivered to me today in Vietnam.
Got a few glitches I’m trying to work through but so far so good - except the tripod (which I don’t expect will last long).


After a while on the site i got an update
22:06 The shipment has arrived in the destination country/destination area
Track shipment now >. (direct link to the uk european shipment site on dhl uk). No more update on the german site.

From that point i track on the UK site


thanks for the info!

Can’t tell if @IvoGrijt is trolling me though :thinking:

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Of course I am
NOT trolling you
[*] NOW trolling you
ALWAYS trolling just you
ALWAYS trolling everyone

Pick your answer carefully, don’t make me publish screenshots of your tracking without masking any details! :face_with_monocle:


You do have that power… :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin: :japanese_goblin:

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The site still says mine is in Dorsten at the export centre… But according to DHL Parcel UK it arrived here yesterday and is out for delivery today (fingers crossed!) My advice would be to check both sites periodically!


Good to know, thanks for this!

One of my 2 shipments turned up today: