General info about shipment and manufacturing

Hi, @Philips_Support_N and @IvoGrijt,

A quick question regarding this offer to purchase a second PPM at the price that we initially paid for it. This question might be useful for all backers actually who are considering it

I haven’t actually received mine yet, so I am hoping that it might be possible if there could be one more final round of this “secret” discount. I am actually interested in the offer, but without knowing how good the PPM is, I think it would be fairer for all us later receivers to get the chance to play with ours first before making a commitment for one more.

As I said, I’m very much considering it for a present for my parents, but I’d like to test it first.

I hope you’ll consider this for the ones who are yet to receive it yet :smiley:



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The offer doesn’t state an end date, so… you should still have some time. I think we will announce when it’s last call for closing time om this campaign.


PhilpsNono might not like me saying this but I’m so confident you’ll want one for your folks I’m going to do so anyways

Request and use the link, but just don’t pay it yet. If you then end up not wanting it, you just have it cancelled. If you want the extra ones, you pay for them :bulb:

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You’re good @IvoGrijt, “ones” subliminally planting that in my head. Guess I’ll go buy 3 now!

@Philips_Support_N shouldn’t hate you for saying that, you’re now expanding your job description to Salesman!

20% cut for each sale you make :stuck_out_tongue:


The more people buy and love this, the longer I will be able to enjoy mine with updates and such due to the large user base. That’s been one of the main motivations for me to even be on this forum and now team.


Applies to all of us, so it’s a big incentive. I’m like a child at Christmas, right now. I just want my toy.

Come on DHL. I’m waitingggg


I finally got mine yesterday. I am loving it. For me, yesterday was also Christmas as this was my christmas present.
The facebook owner group has many happy owners with great comments
Very nice little projector!
Well worth the wait.


@IvoGrijt Hi, the street number of my delivery address has been wrongly encoded by DHL. Can you do something to correct it? Regards

Hi @IvoGrijt

Any update from the forwarder / DHL? I know you were going to e-mail them requesting info.


@bh2a: If the package is already in your country, then contact DHL directly first and try to get it fixed. If that doesn’t work out let me know.

@JonHoff nothing yet unfortunately :pensive:

ID 14552 Almost a month has received the tracking number There is no progress at all. Why? Because

It’s here!
Amy batch, Italy :it:




My shipment is delayed any ideas says to contact forwarder.

Hi @IvoGrijt @imdevu @Philips_Support_N,

For List 3 - Joy. Who is “forwarder”? what “Labels” will they provide? from where( which country) and when the shipping for JOY list start, of course considering COVID-19 situation? how long will take for my item based out in Sweden?

Thing is, i have some travel plans out of my city and i can plan better if i know the tentative date of delivery of my item in sweden, so that i dont miss it.

I dont want to be out of town when parcel comes to home.

Please let me know and thanks in advance.

best regards,

@Robin_Howard: Please try to contact DHL yourself first, see what more they can tell you.


  • Forwarder is the company in China that handles the shipping of our PicoPix Max units to most places around the world for us
  • The provide tracking labels, which are the tickets / boarding passes of the cargo industry, and allow a package and it’s addresses to be identified uniquely. These are physical labels that get stuck to the packages and provided digitally for tracking the journey of the package.
  • For EU countries, the shipments fly to Europe first in one big batch, then get handed over to DHL for further distribution. For the rest of the World (including Switzerland), they’re Handed over to DHL in Hong Kong which then transports them all over the world.
  • shipping could start as soon as they’ve finished labeling all the units on the Joy list, and have transported them to HK for handover or the flight to the EU, this week, next perhaps?
  • The item should take around a week to get to you in Sweden once handled by DHL in DE, which will only happen after the batch lands in the EU and goes through customs clearance.

Please read this to see how the shipping process works in our case: explanation by IvoG or
explanation by PhilipsSteve, followed by this graphic depiction by imdevu.

I would say arrange a different solution then, as we can not guarantee delivery dates at all. Last batch had an unexpected import and customs issue that ended up adding 4 to 5 days to the schedule.


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Thanks a lot for reply.

Tentatively do you see it can get delivered by 20th July 2020 considering all the delays and problems we went through in previous shipments? if not 20th then when? again just rough date… which may have 50% or more chances, as per your analysis.

Pravin Ingle

@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_N

I see the tracking number is active now and I received an email from la poste that the ppm is on its way.
Unfortunately this is the wrong country as I changed my address to the Netherlands.

I’m in NL atm and not in FR and won’t be for a while.
Do you have any solution please???

Thanks in advance

@pravin.v.ingle: I can’t tell you any more than I have already. It’s all a gamble. Consider that when you backed this in February, you were told it would ship by April or May. We are now ending June and you still don’t have it. So any planing you make has to be either extremely flexible or super robust and steady. A parent’s home, best friend, work colleague are all possible options in my opinion.

@Jezzz: unfortunately we can’t fix this until the unit is returned to sender in Germany, especially not if La Poste already has it. Is there anyone who can collect it for you at the current destination address in France?

I understand and thanks for quick response.
Really appreciate it.


Send a ticket to requesting the address change (subject line: ADDRESS CHANGE 4 Joy) so I can see what we can do for you, I don’t know if the shipment left for EU already.