General info about shipment and manufacturing

I’m now completely sure that your backerkit ID is NOT shown on that PDF, it’s the order ID only (see this explanation by a fellow forum user: Demystifing Numbers (Indiegogo, Backerkit etc.)

So this isn’t my backerkit # ?

No. Ist is your Order ID. For the Backerkit ID you have to create an account.


thanks, found it! It’s 15586429

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instead of going through all the fuss with flight booking / coordinating with forwarder, why not just ship it to your >700 Hong Kong backers? If youre willing to, we can even go to your hk distribution center to pick it up. Can you please stop ignoring us? Is frustrating to see PPM being shipped out of our city while we dont get anything.

Don’t forget to check the lists now with the right number!

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@Philips_Support_N Hi! What about 15591171, I see in your list backers like 15591168 and 15591179, but not my number :frowning: Did you forget about me?

The backer id is random, so can happen that I have a number lower than yours, but having pledge after you (actually I did in February so I think will be in some weeks)


oh, well. I paid in September, but what we can do? just wait…

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Hi Philips, finally figured how to check my backer I’d and found it’s on the list! I’d 15592736. My backerkit only shows ‘your address has been locked.’ Should I be concerned about the shipping or just wait it out?

Hi Philips, BackerID 15590284, Indiegogo Contribution # 7760, I actually found my Number in the excel spreadsheet. Wohooo! Shouldn‘t I have received a tracking Numbers by now? Thanks! Can‘t wait to receive the PicoPix Max…


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Hey guys, the units in the excel sheet aren’t quite as far along in the process - no tracking numbers for these ones yet.


Ok so I’m in that list. Backerkit no 15592209. That list was published twelve days ago. Is that batch being shipped?

Possible to tell us when the next batch for u.s is planned ?

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9 days since you said next batch in few days, so?


Can you people please read the summary thread (or the banner) before posting? All of these questions have been answered multiple times already.


Hello comrades and the Screeneo/ Philips team.
Any news on sending to Russia?
My Basker Idy 15583819
I see that the pool of numbers is already discussed much higher than mine :slight_smile:
I don’t have any shipping information yet.
Thank you for the information and take care of your health friends.
This is the most important thing now.
:mask: :sunglasses: :ok_hand:


Your confusion is normal, and shared by many. The lists they give are backerKIT ids from backerkit, not the backer ids from IGG, so they aren’t chronological. Higher number, lower number, means nothing for shipping. For shipping order it’s only 1) country and 2) backer id from IGG.


Hello @Philips_Support_N @IvoGrijt
Can you please provide a status for Colombia Backers.


Desafortunadamente no trabajo por Philips Javier y solo se lo que ellos ponen en el foro. Como moderador intento agregar todas las noticias que compartan sobre el proceso pero hasta hoy no hay información sobre envíos hacia Suramérica.

Quédate pendiente que ya va llegando tu projector.

Saludos a mi gente en Suramérica!