Issues with List1 and List2 Backers

Hi @Philips_Support_N
Please give us informations about shipping to Switzerland. Several persons don’t see any changes on DHL Status since 23. April. DHL tells me, that the Parcel isn’t physically at them. During the phone call I was told that the package was certainly not at customs in Germany or Switzerland.

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To all needing chasing of their tracking: Please pm me your Backerkit ID, Indiegogo contribution ID, tracking number, and at least your postal code.
If you have the first three and don’t mind showing the tracking number, you can also post it here.


backer id 15588956
indigogo id 9637
Dhl tracking number from backerkit that update on 15/04/2020 - 2630212966
zip code 7545440
From Israel
week ago philips talk with me on phone and told me that i will get a new tracking number from backerkit
I didnt get a new tracking and i am also not in the new list

Tnx for the helping


Hi Ivo

Im from Switzerland and mi infos are the following:

  • Dhl Track: 2630213434
  • postal code: 8400
  • contribution ID: 3478
  • Contr. date: 27.08.2019
    I have tracking info since the 23rd of April and nothing happened till now. (Shipment information received) what happened? Is our ppm still in HK?? Thanx for your help!
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Hi Ivo,

  • Dhl Track: 00340434169300438385
  • postal code: 50823, Germany
  • contribution ID: 720
  • Contr. date: 20.08.2019

My package has been shipped in January (as I noticed today!) but has been returned to sender on Feb. 14th. as DHL said they didn‘t reach me. I never received an email that it has been sent neither did I receive a note from DHL. Would you please send it again? Thanks.

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I backed this project in August 2019, my contribution ID is 720 and I am from Germany. Until today I haven’t received the PicoPix. To my surprise the order summary in the backerkit account shows that it would have been shipped on 01/18/20(!) even though I never received a confirmation email/tracking number and also I never received the device. Is this normal? I get all the other project emails concerning the updates though.

In the backerkit account there is a DHL tracking number (from January) which doesn’t work on the UK site and tells me “status: open” on the german DHL site (DHL – CB524127530DE).

So what should I do now? Where is the pledge? Has it really been sent? I’m very patient but it starts to get annoying especially with this misleading information.

Marco: your tracking is this one: 00340434169300438385
It says it arrived

Unfortunately it says “Returned to sender”. The tracking progress says they tried to deliver it to me but didn’t reach me. Very strange! Normally I would have expected a card in my mailbox to collect it at the next DHL store (which wasn’t the case). So the Pico has been returned to you. What now?

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@Philips_Support_N my backerkit ID was on list 1. They never shipped my device. And i havent been sort in any of the other lists. Right now updated list 3 shows Indiegogo numbers that are way to high and later buyers than me. My indiegogo ID is 7000 would i be on the list 3? I see u already answered some people sorted in previous list. Could you please give me more info about my forggoten shipment? Thanks

Same here, on hold in HK since May 12th, with same status after update on May 13th. However it still says expected delivery at destination (Norway) on May 14th :man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:t3:

@IvoGrijt @Philips_Support_N My tracking says the same thing. Few tracking updates after April 23rd, but as of May 12th its status has been “On hold” in Hong Kong, with expected delivery today May 14th in Norway. I know other backers are experiencing this as well.

Could you provide any insight as to what is going on?

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I’ll be providing insights to all I can as soon as I know more. I’m still onboarding so please bear with me just a little longer.


You’re doing a great job dude!

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@IvoGrijt Hi guys, I’m from List 2
Backer ID 15589217 indiegogo 9233 from France (code 94210)

My PPM was supposed to be delivered the 12th may, so I waited at home , and nothing came, my janitor received nothing. And now, La Poste and DHL tell me that my package has been “successfully delivered” at 12:18 at my janitor but she works from 9 to 12 in the morning so she was not there.

So, 6 months of wait and La Poste/DHL f*** me at the very last step.

So I know it’s not your fault but do you have other similar issues, do you think you can help me to contact them ?
I tried 2 times to call them but these incompetents can’t answer me until next week …


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Hi @IvoGrijt

I reached out to @Philips_Support_N several times over multiple threads and in personal message as well but did not receive any response.

I was on list 1. Contribution id 1107. Saudi Arabia.

We are nearing the shipment of all backers but still I have not heard of any plan or way forward of shipping for me ( a very early backer).

I want to know what exactly is going on there? How long do I need to wait? This was supposed to be on the 11th April flight but now it has been more than 1 month. How much more time is required to find a solution for Saudi Arabia?

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I think @Philips_Support_N might have an answer for you, he’ll let you know what we may have figured out.

Hi All,
We had a long discussion with our forwarder this week on why he wasn’t shipping to a few countries. He claimed that there was a great risk of product being lost in certain countries due to the covid19 situation. Saudi Arabia is on his list. We don’t agree, so we accepted to take the financial risk if units are lost and told him to ship now. We are waiting for their feedback.


Thanks for the feedback @Philips_Support_N

Thanks Steve! Could you share the list to us? Or Peru is in the list? I am on list 1, never got a tracking number. @PhilipsSteve

Norwegian backer, expected today, still on hold in HK.