Shipping to Europe

So I emailed customer service 3 times and no replies in 2 weeks. wow. great job

woowwwww… I’m in the last list!!! Backerkit 15585796 IGG 14060 October 3 2019
Is this possible??? Have I find the correct Backerkit #???

Can’t wait for it… But I know… it will be in my hand not before the end (or close the…) of May…
What does @Philips_Support_N said about this lot?? Waiting for packaging ???

Well… Thanks

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That is strange (I assumed we should still be below IGG ID 10K for Europe). Anyway, good for you !

Infact!!.. It’s strange to me toooooo… But… Some people have request for refound before the end of the companion, some other after… Some are ordered more than 2 PPMax… Well… Could be that my Bekerkit # is wrong… I don’t know… Or… Well can #IvoG check for me? I check it too…


I don’t know and can’t check beyond what you guys did check already, sorry.

We were above 9000 in Europe 16 days ago.

@Simon_Painter Well, get a grip of yourself and stop flooding the threads with your copypaste anger. We get your point with a little less. Thank you.


I ordered right at the end of the campaign so I’m 21***. Let’s hope that there were a lot of people who cancelled there campaign between October and March which would inflate the backer number


No problem I’ve double checked today … I can confirm… the data are correct and I’m in the list

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My Pico was shipped over 2 weeks ago and there is no update on shipping.
Order #6255
Please can you help?

mine too and no news. It is not the fastest Indiegogo campaign out there. You got the code April 10, right?

Hi Carl and welcome to the forum!

This has been answered many times already.

My projector is in the same shipment, so I’ve been following it fairly closely as well. The tracking code we got sent is for the individual projector package that will be shipped from the warehouse in Germany to the backers in Europe. All of these individual packages have been shipped to Europe together in another container, which we don’t have the tracking number for.

With any luck we should see some progress soon.

It is touching how Philips reminds us how difficult the time is and also of the cost increase of shipping goods all over the world (would adding 50€ to my pledge help them out? I would have done it!)

I call it bad management.

Philips is a huge multinational corporation with 77.500 employees around the world and 18 billion revenues per year. Random eBay costumers managed to send me packages from anywhere in the world in the last months with minimal delay. I think Philips could have done much better than them.

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Thanks DJ

That clears things up a bit :+1:

Looking forward to getting it, better be worth the 8 month wait :crossed_fingers:

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I don’t suppose you got a shipment like this sent out to you, now did you?

These are electronic devices with big batteries, so shipping them in these quantities might not be as easy as ordering one package at a time from eBayers

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I know. But I also don’t have 78.000 coworkers.
I do work for a multinational company of similar size of Philips and we are managing delivery of stuff way better.
The fact is that I am SURE Philips is normally doing WAY better. I think they have forecast that the bad publicity they will have from this 5-10,000 backers (or how many they are) that will have the projector with 10-12 months delay (I am at 8 and I am sure there is much more around) will not affect their revenue that come from millions of other customers. To sum it up, we have been used as lab rats.

The thing I cannot accept and I find INSULTING is that Philips complains about HOW expensive has become to ship a package to certain countries during this period, daring to say that people paid 30$ for delivery and now it costed 80$. If MY company did even remotely pass this message it would be rightfully DEAD in one week.


This campaign isn’t being run by Philips, that much is now obvious. No campaign like this would be run this badly by people actually employed by Philips because senior management would have intervened by now. This is a small outfit who have licensed the brand in order to sucker us into thinking this Indiegogo was backed by a competent company. Using off the shelf forum software and volunteer moderators to handle queries when you are a multi billion euro company - don’t make me laugh. Having only three of 78,000 people involved when it’s going this badly with no PR or customer service support? Seems pretty unlikely.


April passed! Still no projector…Empty promises once again


Man, you are exhausting… :sleeping: does it not take up so much energy to be so consistently grumpy and angry? I think I would burn out mentally if I held on to and manifested so many negative thoughts. We are all in this together, so many of us are waiting for our projectors, and there is a massive global crisis going on. It’s in phillips best interest to get us our projectors asap, and they are working hard to do so. Be patient, and please stop commenting, your comments help absolutely no one on the entire planet, especially yourself, so take a chill pill, breath, and stop trolling this forum so we can have intellectual and appropriate discussions about ppmax. :slight_smile: :v: :v: :purple_heart: