Shipping to Singapore

just received my status as shipped with tracking number, should be able to track in 2 or more days :)))))

Contribution number 11641 not included on any list

My contribution number is 11641 and mine is not included in the lists. Canā€™t understand how the system works. No one explains also

Hi! Thereā€™s a lot of explanations all over the forum, but perhaps part of the problem is that thereā€™s quite a lot of messages to go through. Thatā€™s why we have tried to make it easier by gathering frequently asked questions and the most important news updates here: [FAQ] Tracking and Shipping and Latest News Updates Summarized.

Are you sure that the number 11641 is your Indiegogo contribution number and not another number? Unfortunately, thereā€™s quite a lot of different numbers in the campaign and itā€™s quite easy to confuse them. If you need help with this, look here: Demystifing Numbers (Indiegogo, Backerkit etc.).

Hope this helps. If not, please ask.


5 posts were split to a new topic: Why do you need my CCIC

Itā€™s been 4 days and there is no update on the shipment. Checked with DHL - this airway bill is invalid.

Dhl commentedā€ regardless sending the parcel in or out, they are able to track so long the airway bill number is validā€

Iā€™ve sent and received a lot of Dhl shipments. Never ever encounter these issues at all.

What is so wrong with Philips/picopix and this crowd funding? Thereā€™s is a limit to my patience. I waited patiently since October without even sending in a single complaint/inquiry.

Has this shipment really been executed? what is happening here?

tracking numbers were sent out on saturday evening (singapore time). itā€™s now just less than 9 hours into tuesday. so itā€™s been less than 72 hours (less than 3 days) since tracking number was released. most, if not all workers donā€™t work on Sunday and this would be the same for logistics industries as well baring airport and sea port operations which work 24/7 so your package wouldnā€™t have moved on Sunday. If you read the other threads, you will have read information that the tracking number donā€™t work for the first few days after the initial release.

since you already waited since last october (same as me), itā€™s just going to be a few more days of wait before the item reaches you. just extend the limit of your patience by a little bit more.

Ours tracking numbers (recent May 16/18 shipped batch) became active after 5 days of getting the numbers. Thereafter another 4 days to reach us.


5 working days?

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my tracking details were updated on 30th may, so may be i let this week pass byā€¦

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Have any one from above list received your PPMs yet? I haveā€™nt.

Any one from the list received your PPMs yet.

@kyaw I have yet to receive any shipment update / parcel.

@IvoGrijt Received tracking number which doesnā€™t work, Alread confirmed with DHL team they do not have any pickup on my Shipping Address to singapore. Pls Help


most likely still in the forwarderā€™s warehouse in HK. just have to wait patiently


I have exactly the same problem

me too. received the tracking number by 30th MAY, still ā€œNo result found for your DHL query. Please try again.ā€

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A bit more time:

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Hi moderator, my backer kit id is 15587525 and Indigogo contribution id is 11641.
Iā€™ve ordered since September yet my number is not in the list? Any idea roughly when? Because I noticed that numbers in sequence with my contribution ID were in the list but mine wasnā€™t. Please adviceā€¦

Screenshot 2020-06-10 at 10.08.49 PM

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Please go through [FAQ] Tracking and Shipping

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