Shipping to Switzerland

Baker ID #18990
it appear like a scam
i want my projector or my money back

@Philips_Support_N @Philips_Support_1

They have not even made half the amount of projectors to get near your backer number, so I guess you’ll have to wait a little bit longer.

I thought Phillips was a serious company, I was wrong
i want a refund

So am I getting this right?
I pledged sometime back in August 2019 as one of the first 1500 backers. Then when shipping and customs were agreed upon, we had to pay extra through backerkit to pay for those extra costs, although originally the pledge said it was with shipping worldwide included.
At that point I was like „ok, this is an indiegogo campaign and the team responsible arguably has no experience with worldwide shipping“. I work for Swiss Post, so I know a little bit about the complexity of international logistics.
Then the first EU shipments were sent and we were not part of it. I figured that was a customs question, although purely from a logistics point of view, it was stupid to not include the sub 200 units for Switzerland.
Then now we were suppoed to be in the 1170 batch and I thought maybe we get that thing before a years‘ time is over, but now you‘re telling us shipping to Switzerland at 55.70$ a piece is too expensive, although we already paid like 35$ extra back in like September 19? And because you feel that‘s too expensive, you just ship those 200 units somewhere else, to contributers who probably pledged way after us? What are you hoping for, that shipping to Switzerland suddenly gets cheap? Wake up people, it‘s always expensive.

The level of decision making and communicating these decisions is frankly appalling, especially seeing how this project is backed by an international company who should have plenty of experience with international logistics and, to top it off, is operating out of Switzerland, for heaven‘s sake.

If you failed to consider that shipping cost would vary greatly from country to country and if you now see your margins getting thinner, then maybe, just maybe, you should have done some research when you launched the original campaign and gave out pledge items with 54% or whatever it was off the targeted retail price.
What you are doing here is highly questionable at best and I‘d be interested to hear what a lawyer has to say, considering we are all based in the same jurisdiction here.

The very least you can do is to communicate in plain English, not some frenglish-babelfish bullshit, what we Swiss backers can expect to happen with our pledge items, now that you have arbitrarly decided you don‘t want to ship to Switzerland, blaming DHL, corona, the tooth fairy, I don‘t know what else, when really you just seem to not want to cough up a few thousand in shipping in a multi million dollar campaign that is still pushing out ads on social media for a product that is basically unavailable for over half a year.

If you have trouble verbalizing your decisions, spell it out in french, chinese, whatever suits you best, I‘m sure we‘ll be able to make more sense of it than this: „we are trying to find a way for those ones, also to take on our margin to still ship, but the delivery lead time is slow“

Looking forward to hearing from you.



Thanks BenB, i was allso removed from the last Batch, at the current time it feels like we have been robbed by Philips. The full amount plus shipping was paid months ago, now it’s time for Philips to deliver. It cannot be that we have to wait any longer because of 20 Dolar. I would also pay the 20 to complete the whole thing. This was definitely my last Philips device, even considering Corona it was a completely incompetent campaign and that we are ignored because of 20 shows that customers are less important to them than their profit. They do not try to handle the whole thing as professionally as possible, but to save their small margins at all costs … Guess what, the damage to the Philips brand will be many times higher this way.

Mi Vorschlag isch, dass mr uns direkt an Philips Schwiz wände und dört aafroge was do los isch, filicht hilfts, wenn sich gnueg fu do direkt bi ihne mälde dass si dene unfähige Lytt fum Crowdfunding unter d Ärm griffe bim Versand fu dene Beamer. Do isch dr Link wome sich direkt cha mälde.


The punchline had me laughing out loud! Your communication is infinitely clearer thean theirs :rofl:

There might still be a misunderstanding here, however. SOME swiss backers were still on the list by last count. I don’t know if any have received tracking numbers. Switzerland was, and is, not on their list of undeliverable countries. Whatever they’ve done, they haven’t said they’re not shipping to Switzerland, and supposedly merchandise is on the way as we speak. If any of us are suddenly off the list, that’s a mistake and needs to be ackknowledged. But from what I’ve seen they have not said what you accuse them of: no shipments to CH because it’s too expensive.

The prices for shipping were mentioned to illustrate something else, I believe. Like where DHL still ships to (incl. CH) and what it costs them even in bulk. To show us it’s expensive even in bulk, and that we’re “getting a good deal”, having paid nothing or only 29 EUR for it. If I understand it correctly, it was also posted to explain why individual shipments would be prohibitively expensive, seeing as those are the bulk prices. The context was people asking for individual solutions to countries DHL no longer ships to. Something like that. Switzerland was never part of that discussion. We’re still getting our stuff. Supposedly.

The remaining mystery is why some people apparently disappeared off the list. What’s your IGG contribution ID Ben? Were you on the list and then disappeared?


same here…

Currently Nr 68 on this list:

So supposedly am still on the list, yet no sign of any „magic“ happening on backerkit, no e-mails, no tracking numbers nada. Not even sure that list is up to date after the last confusing updates.
Guess I can consider myself lucky I managed to find by backerkit ID when they first published the list of the 1170 units.

An eye-opening experience for sure.

Thanks for the clear response Ben. I’m eyeing the general delivery thread, and some of the remaining 800 something tracking numbers for the current shipment (2 batches) are still coming in. Not trying to mollify you or say it’s happening, just that it’s not over yet. Nono just posted about tracking nrs for the Netherlands. So far none of us on The List have received updates, right? That would make sense if DHL is processing tracking nrs by country.

The thing I don’t understand is how your number is on the list when it is written that Switzerland is one of the country removed from shipping list (apparently the need to find a solution for the shippping)

I see where this confusion is coming from now. Nono actually posted 2 lists. One with countries DHL no longer delivers to, so they’re off the list:




Because Bargain is in the list where our forwarder told us DHL doesn’t operate for the moment.

Clearly, CH isn’t on that list, and that’s why people have numbers still in the excel. Then he posted a second list with prices and said they were examples of countries no longer delivered to, but the countries are all different than the first list, and are still being delivered to. I think the wording on that second list was a mistake.

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Hi. I’m in the Excel list for the shipment on 11th april… But i’m Still waiting for the tracking mail…
In the backerkit nothing bas change

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If you look at the end of my post, I linked the same list. What Nono says doesn’t make sense, the list is completely different from the one he posted of “countries removed” before (see my post). Maybe these are an addition to that, but we were not (all) removed from the list. Why would a list of countries not shipped to contain specific quantities of items being shipped? It looks like a list of countries they are shipping to, with prices. They said the reason for not shipping to certain places is that DHL doesn’t offer service there at the moment, not that it’s too expensive. These countries all have a price, so they have service, which makes sense as none of them are on the other list. Until all the tracking numbers are out for that shipment, I’m not putting too much stock in this not being a misunderstanding.

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Finally got the tracking number!

I’m a backer from 26th
:august 2019!

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Nono just sent out tracking numbers for the Swiss backers in the shipment. Check your inbox.

Yep i have it too. The link of tracking in DHL doesnt work but i think it will soon

I am not on this shipment unfortunately, but great for you Swiss backers!
Can I ask what was your IGG contribution ID around? You are probably earlier backers than I am! Mine is 30**, so I was wondering if it is correct or not…


Hey I am from switzerland to but havent heard anything sins and couldn’t find my backer ID 10892 anywhere. I am not often here and not used to operate on an forum so I am totaly lost.