Tracking number is not working

Thanks I’ll wait ofcourse no issue there. Hopefully it will arrive soon. I don’t disagree about the need for a forum. To clarify further I’m just saying that backerkit was the place people were directed to when after months of anxiously waiting we receive an email saying hey look your product is going to arrive. Shortly after I got that email the indiegogo page directed everyone whether they liked it or not to this community forum. So it wasn’t by choice. I didn’t have an option to get a reply through indiegogo since Philips said they won’t be replying through that site anymore and I would need to come here.

I didn’t see any other emails about extended shipping times or explanation about the shipping status email sent within it saying anything other than “here is your tracking number” In that same email there should have been some note in there saying this is the tracking info. But. “fill in the blank” explaining the situation somehow in the email or on backerkit directly. The majority of people like myself click the link expected and are excited to track their projector’s path to their doorstep are met with confusion and frustration. The only thing I had to go by was that on backerkit there was a note saying it might take two days for the item to show up with status on DHL and thats it. That note should read due to the Pandemic it could take up to another 3-4 weeks to show. Just something to consider for future notifications and emails on this or other projects.

Thanks for the feedback I’m not here to complain I’m just anxious to get the product like everyone else. I appreciate your patience and resilience through all of this. My replies were not meant to create more stress on you or any other moderator / admin for this forum. I’m just stating my opinion as one of the people that experienced the process first hand.


the backer id is 11605987. I got a mail stating that your ppm is shipped with tracking details. but I try to track it with tracking no. the errors come-"No shipment with given tracking number found.
the details are under:
|Date|. Tracking Details
05/30/20|. DHL – 2630227062

thanks in advance
Suresh Kakkar

May I suggest since you’re here anyways Shawn, that you read the News summary if you haven’t yet? We created the summary thread so nobody has to hunt down information but instead can find it in one convenient spot. You can easily find this thread by clicking on the News button in the top menu bar of the forum. Bookmark that and gather your daily digest from it, you can always click on the quotes in that topic to jump right into the actual thread where it was actually posted to comment or ask questions.

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Hello guys,

about a week ago I received a tracking number, so I checked it in page and it states, that my ppx was delivered to me on 05.13, but tracking number was received only 7 days ago. What I can do for this? This information is misleading.

When I push that red letter line it shows to me, that my parcel is in Italy…

I just don’t understand…

Go through the below post. Seems you have a number that DHL reused.

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imdevu, Thanks!

Maybe you know, when I can expect to see exact tracking of my ppx? If I received tracking number 8 days ago, so when it will be active and not misleading?

have a nice day!

The trend is currently showing around 2 weeks. I’d be patient for another week. The team is tying to actively following up with the forwarder to bring in most current information to you. Please use the news link on the top right of the screen to get the updates (if available)


Hi! I got my tracking ID May 20th… but still no update on the DHL webside. Anyone else having the same experience? Or has it been so long that I should be worried?

same here fore me too.

I got my tracking number on May 30, still not working.

A post was split to a new topic: Status update request - Oliver Collard

I got my tracking number on 30 May, but still not working, any good news?

None (or almost none) of the tracking codes sent out on 30th or 31st May show any progress yet. I know it’s painfully slow, but you’ll have your projector soon.


Been checking my tracking number regularly and cannot see any movement on it since 31/05/2020. Odd that it states it has been delivered to Amazon…is there an issue with my shipment? My contribution ID is 17070.

Please wait another week.

Many thanks for the assurance, will wait patiently some more :smile:



Je suis le backer 15849781 pour la France.

J’ai reçu un mail pour me dire que l’envoi du colis est en route le 06/01/20, mais le n° de tracking DHL me donne l’erreur suivante : No shipment with given tracking number found.

Cela fait plusieurs jours que j’attends.

Pouvez-vous m’aider, merci ?

Hi, I received my tracking number on the 1st of June, when I try to track the package I get the below message. When should I expect this to be delivered?
Backer ID is 15639744
Tracking number: DHL – CR071952407DE

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Probably 20th-30th