Tracking number is not working

same here fore me too.

I got my tracking number on May 30, still not working.

A post was split to a new topic: Status update request - Oliver Collard

I got my tracking number on 30 May, but still not working, any good news?

None (or almost none) of the tracking codes sent out on 30th or 31st May show any progress yet. I know it’s painfully slow, but you’ll have your projector soon.


Been checking my tracking number regularly and cannot see any movement on it since 31/05/2020. Odd that it states it has been delivered to Amazon…is there an issue with my shipment? My contribution ID is 17070.

Please wait another week.

Many thanks for the assurance, will wait patiently some more :smile:



Je suis le backer 15849781 pour la France.

J’ai reçu un mail pour me dire que l’envoi du colis est en route le 06/01/20, mais le n° de tracking DHL me donne l’erreur suivante : No shipment with given tracking number found.

Cela fait plusieurs jours que j’attends.

Pouvez-vous m’aider, merci ?

Hi, I received my tracking number on the 1st of June, when I try to track the package I get the below message. When should I expect this to be delivered?
Backer ID is 15639744
Tracking number: DHL – CR071952407DE

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Probably 20th-30th

I’m in the same boat. Was sent a tracking number on the 30th and still nothing. To say that this process has been frustrating would be a huge understatement.


Still nothing and now I am getting a new error message from DHL when I enter my tracking number. New message reads: “No shipment with given tracking number found.”

What is going on???

Je suis dans le meme cas que toi. Selon les messages des responsables du forum, il faut attendre deux semaines a partir du 01/06/20. Donc normalement on devrait voir du changement en fin de semaine.

@IvoGrijt is it normal that i still cant track any info from my item? it says No shipment with given tracking number found. Contribution id 20051


Yea. It takes up to 2 weeks to go live.


The site they gave wasn’t the right one! you should check on the location where sent it too, for example, I live in The Netherlands, so i checked at DHL germany, since they receive my package from HongKong!

Hope it helped

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@IvoGrijt I will not request anything more. Just you say What list will my numbers be in and when will they be sent?

Because i still cant track any info from my item? it says No shipment with given tracking number found. Contribution ID 21503

I got my tracking number on May 20th and it’s been 3 weeks.
When will this tracking number be activated?
My contribution number is 9752 on the Batch Betty

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which country are u from? have u tried the correct websites?
Refer:[FAQ] Tracking and Shipping

and if so can u share your tracking number with me on private message?