Shipment for USA (United States)

HI, Im wondering if I can get an estimate for delivery also? Im in the US. Contribution #14080

By no means am I looking for anything close to an exact date, but is there a ballpark estimate of when the remaining USA shipment will be made? Again, the answer could be two weeks or two months, just looking for a general idea if possible. Certainly wouldn’t hold anyone to it given the current situation. Thank you!

Absolutely …if they tell us the month I’m ok with it

Contribution ID: 15140 Philips is not a startup company, so it is not clear why they cannot provide their USA backers with estimated delivery updates.

Can someone please give us an estimated date, even if it’s just a month, when the next shipment is being shipped to the United States?

According to

in each shipment, so the next one leaving HK on the 10th of May will also have US backers’ units in it.

Thank you! I will continue to check the lists when posted. I’m eagerly awaiting getting it :yum:

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My DHL number just went active for Colorado.


I’m contributor 18519 and still haven’t received my unit. Still no word on shipping to California?

Hi Michelle and welcome to the forum! I’m sorry to disappoint, but the campaign probably still has a bit to go until it reaches 18159. I’m pretty sure California is going to be handled together with the rest of the US.

Your best bet is probably to wait for your tracking number to be sent to you, and if you want to follow the campaign more closely read the news in the summary thread.

@IvoGrijt, @Philips_Support_N

Do we know how long it takes to deliver? (in days)

HONG KONG to USA path.
for those who has received status as "Shipment information received "

This info will help me a lot to track and collect.
Appreciate your help :+1:t3:

Friends, do share your experience. It helps all of us. :blush:

From talking to Canadians who recieved (and are routed through they USA) 5 business days from when the initial package showed up on DHL (shipping information recieved) to see movement(package picked up) and then another 5-10 business days till final delivery.

We have to go through customs though coming from USA to Canada so that might add a few days depending on how busy it is.

I would say you are looking at a two week period on average as long as no delays. If your tracking went live in Monday like mine did I would expect to for it to say picked up on either Friday or Monday. Then a delivery notice sometime next week if timelines are consistent.

From my experience with DHL EXPRESS it is 5-7 days.
But in the covid situation i think it will be more like 10+.

Mine is about 1,000, numbers earlier than your number, so I would guess you need to wait longer.

Did anyone of you who received the PPM in the U.S. have to pay taxes? :thinking:

U.s won’t have taxes…sorry frgt to add may have some minor state taxes

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How did you pay them? Did you receive a message in advance or did you have to pay when the delivery was made? Credit/cash? Thanks for the info!

What’s your contribution ID or Backerkit number?

Mia I normally buy stuff f Amazon in the u.s .it’s that experince …rest maybe ivoG will know.
@IvoGrijt pls see if u can guide mia

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Hi Ivo!
Thanks for the help.
My backer ID is 16185843
Indiegogo ID is 20129